Chapter 9

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"When will you come up with the money to pay Luca so our daughter can stop working for him".
"I am working on it"
"That's all you've been saying for the pass week"
"Thats because I am working in it"
Kiah sighed as she went down the stairs, of a new morning. Her mom was really heated, when her mom got like this there was no calming her. Her dad looked utterly irritated. Kiah decided to to take an apple to go rather than breakfast the tension in the room was too much.
"I'm just gonna take the bus this morning"
None of her parents responded Kiah slumped her shoulders in defeat and left the house.

As she arrived at the bus station she had the strangest feeling that someone was watching her. She boarded the bus with unease and sat at the the second row from the front door. While on the bus she still could not shake the feeling that someone was on the bus watching her. She turned around and made a quick scan the persons seated behind her in the bus. The only person that stood out to her was a man dressed in all a black tuxedo suit with cold hard dark eyes.
'Not suspicious at all  '  Kiah thought sarcastically. She came to the conclusion that she was just  being paranoid. She decided to test her theory, she stood up like she was going to make a stop. She turned slightly and saw the suspicious man get up too and started to slowly make his way to the front. Kiah sat down quickly in the seat she was occupying and the man sat down not too far from her. Now he was looking at het angrily.

Kiah's Pov

Holy cow this guy is following me. I should have taken one of the mafia guys number maybe Matteo's. This must be one of Tito Bacuza's guys  following me, but why i'm just the help. Ok ok ok, calm down Kiah calm down.  You are a bad ass if I may say so myslef. I was on the soccer team in high school and I am still athletic. A little less than I was in high school but athletic none the less. I may not know kung fu but I can run. I'm a runner i'm a track star. After I get off at my stop I will have to do a 10mins walk to Luca's house. I can run and be there in 5mins. O my God I hope he doesn't shoot me in the back. It was nearing my destination I got up and slowly so did he. I moved towards the exit. The bus stopped and I ran off in the direction of the mansion. I could hear the man's footsteps behind me . I started screaming. "Help! help! help!". I heard a vehicle coming from behind me also. I continued to run without looking back.

Luca Pov

I woke this morning with a bad feeling. To make matters worst Kiah was weighing heavier  on my mind than usual. It was 8:10am and she was not here. I know I told her to be here at 8:30am each morning but she always arrived at 8am, no later. Where the hell is she. I left the kitchen and headed towards the front porch. I heard a scream it sounded like Kiah. I looked outside   the gate and saw her running just then a guy grabbed her from behind and a black van stopped beside them and the man pulled Kiah inside.
"Domenico get the car now!"
In a second the car was at my feet I got in the front and Matteo was already seated in the back with his guns drawn. I did the same.
"Follow that van"
My voice was colder than usual. Domenico drove like the devil was on his tail. As the car drove I felt nervous. This feeling was foreign to me. I have never felt nervous before a battle because death was not something I feared. Now I felt fearful of losing this beauty that was giving me sleepless nights. I took out my favourite guns smith and wesson 9 mm and took the safety off. Domenico drove close to the van and I fired the shots at the wheels blowing out the back tyres. A man at the front seated beside the driver started to fire at us. Matteo fired at him. The shot hit him in the head and he fell on the dash board. One of the guys pulled the van door and started to fire at us I ducked and Domenico swung the car and hit the van. The guy firing fell out and I put 2 slugs in him. I heard a scream which am sure came from Kiah.  My heart rate escalated. Without thinking I shot the driver between the eyes. The van got out of control and crashed in a light post nearby. We all got out of the car and hid behind it with our guns in hands. 2 guys got out of the van, one of them was holding a gun to Kiah's head while the other was firing wildly at us.
"Say hello to my little friend" the guy said while firing. I turned to Matteo in disbelieve
"Is this guy for real?"
Matteo laughed and shrugged his shoulders.
Domenico lost patience and walked from behind the car and shot the Scar face wanna be gun man in the chest 3 times. Matteo and I moved from behind the car and pointed our weapon at the guy holding Kiah. Its a good think we weren't on the main road.
"Get back or I swear to God i will shoot her"
"Then what, you think you will get away?"
His hand started to shake and he looked at all three of us nervously.
"Even if you kill the girl you can't manage to kill all three of us".
I looked at Kiah her eyes were filled with tears and anxiety but who can blame her. This must be the first time a gun is pointed at her. She made eye contact with me and without words she spoke to  me and I understood. She dropped to the ground quickly and I shot the gun out if her assailant's hand.
Matteo shot him in his right leg and he fell to the ground. Kiah was screaming again. I walked over to her  and took her in my arms. Domenico went and  restrained the gun man and put him in the trunk of our car. I whispered in Kiah's ear.
"Its ok Kiah your alright now, its ok lets go home".
With that said we all went back in the car and drove back to my mansion.

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