Chapter 12

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Luca POV

As I made my way to the basement with Matteo I was pissed. I finally got a taste of my angel's chocolate lips and he interrupted. This better be good. As I reached the basement the stench of blood hit my nostrils. I saw the gunman tied to a chair with blood oozing from his previous wounds and new wounds. This man was on the verge of bleeding to death. Domenico stood close by, judging from his rolled-up sleeves and bruised knuckles I am sure he beat the hell out of this man.
" Tell Don what you told us" Matteo commanded.
He could hardly lift his head, I wonder if he still had the strength to speak. Even his eyes were bloodshot.
" Tito sent us, he has been watching you and he knows she is your woman because there is a mold in your kingdom" his voice was barely above a whisper.
I inhaled deeply not another rat again. Damn it.
"While we were battling, another team of our men hit your gun warehouse"
"Matteo call the.."
" I already did some of our men there are dead while some are injured and are currently being treated by our doctors. They stole all the guns and supplies we had at the warehouse".
"F**k!!! who is the mold tell me right now" I shouted.
" No one knows but Tito. This is just the beginning you haven't seen...."
Bang bang bang!
I shot him in the head 3 times before he could finish.
"Matteo call all my men and tell them we have a meeting"
"Yes boss"

Tito POV

I heard a knock on my office door.
"Come in"
"Boss the kidnapping was a failure, our men are dead and Joe is missing"
I nodded and he left.
I spun around in my chair at my desk and looked through the window. This failure was part of my grand plan. I was just simply sending a message to Luca. I am sure he captured Joe to question him. That is why I told Joe's team that there is a mold in Luca's kingdom. My men who were sent to the warehouse overpowered his men easily. After all, we had a blueprint and knew where all his men were positioned. It was too easy. The hatred I feel for Luca is unmatched. One by one all of Luca's men and kingdom will crumble and I will take over his city. I chuckled to myself.

Luca POV

All my men were gathered in the meeting hall. Before the meeting began I discussed my next move with Matteo and Domenico. We all agreed that I should not announce that I know there is a mold. Since I don't know who the mold is.
" Boys, Tito hit my warehouse today and we lost a lot of loyal men who had wives and children, the money I will give their families won't replace them but it's the mafia way.  We are going to be more vigilant and things are going to change around here". I inhaled deeply.
" Leo, Franco, and Alex you will all be stationed here at my mansion" I continued to call names and give new assignments. After all the assignments were given I dismissed all my men except the three that will now be staying at the mansion. I am not thrilled about more guests at my mansion but I need the manpower in case Tito gets any bolder. Also, I have to think about the safety of my chocolate skin angel. Speaking of which I need to go see her right now.

Kiah POV

After Luca kissed and left me I went back to my room. I sat on my bed and phoned my parents and told them about the incident and that I wouldn't be coming home. Of course, they weren't thrilled about it. But it was the safest choice for everyone. My dad warned me to be careful of Luca and not to trust him because there is a reason they call him the devil. I wonder why they call him that. My mom cried frantically and refused to hang up the phone. The conversation was finally over and I breathed a sigh of relief. I heard a knock on the door.
" Kiah it's Luca can I come in?"
Luca entered and sat beside me on my bed.
"How are you holding up?"
"Am ok I told my parents I won't be coming home for a while, they took it better than I thought"
Luca's eyes were fixed on my thick thighs.
"That's good news, as much as I like seeing you in my shirt we need to do something about your clothes options, there are more of my men staying in the mansion now and I don't want them to be ogling you".
"You are one to talk"
He chuckled.
"Am going to send Matteo to fetch your clothes from your house".
I nodded.
"Get some rest you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow".
He was about to leave but hesitated, then he kissed me on my forehead and left.
As I lay in bed I tried to make sense of my life. For the the 22 years I've been on earth this is the first time I felt utterly lost.

Luca Pov

I was on my way to my office when I saw the new additions to my mansion. My eyes first landed on Leo. He was almost as big as Domenico with dirt blonde hair and black eyes. He has been with me since I was a boy. He was one of my dad's men he was 15 years my senior and I am 28. Even thou Leo use to work for my dad he always had a soft spot for me. When my dad use to beat me senseless and tie me in the basement for days without food and water; Leo always sneaked in  attended to my wounds and gave me something to eat. He gave me good advice words of encouragement and he was more of a 'dad' to me than my old man. I looked at Alex he was still a kid only 18 years old with his boyish features which made it hard for people to take him seriously. He was tall with green eyes and jet black hair like myself he has been working for me for 6 years. I found him in an alley one night searching through the garbage bin for food. He was a street kid and an orphan. He looked at me and I something about him reminded me of myself. So I took him in and here we are today. Last but not least is Franco he is 35. He had brown hair, hazel eyes and was medium built. His mom use to be a cook here when I was younger. After she fell ill he came to work here to attain enough money to take care of his mom. After she succumbed to her illness 10 years ago he continued to work here. The reason why I chose these three men to stay here is because I have some history with them which makes me trust them. As I arrived at my office I sat down in my chair and replayed todays happenings. Who is the rat?.

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