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It's been one month since taehyung hired maids. Since then you felt a little relaxed as you got free from most of the burden.

Since maids have been taking care of house chores and cooking, you started to give time to your drawings. Your online work of selling arts was going smoothly as was also spreading little by little.



I was working on a project which if deal got sealed will bring a big success to company's name and reputation. Just then i heard a knock and i allow the person to come in.

I didn't pay attention to who it was and was still working on file. I look up when i heard

I know you are a busy person but can i have your 5 minutes?

It was Mark. He never came to my office before as he didn't assist me directly. It's their head of department who gave me updates about their department. So it was unusual of Mark, a normal employee, to visit CEO office.

I rest my back on the chair and signal him to took a seat in front of my desk.

He sat there and asked

I wanna ask how's your relation going.

I can see a smirk on his face. Though he was yn's boyfriend but right now it's working hours and he is sitting in front of his boss and saying this.

I said with a cold expression

Mr Mark, i don't think it's a question to ask from your boss. If this is what you wanna talk about then you can leave as this conversation won't benefit the company in any way.

He chuckled and again said with a bigger smirk

Don't be shy. Did you guys did it yet. Did you guys start your sexual relationship. It's been almost 2 months since your marriage. Right?

I said sternly

Mr Mark don't force me to call security and throw you out.

He said

Chill dude. It's okay if you still aren't that comfortable with each other. But believe me she is really perfect. Her body is just awesome. She is so tight. You will enjoy a lot.

He said in a lustful manner. I know they were in a relationship back then. It was their choice if they had done it. It is not related to me. It's their past. But using these types of words for her is inappropriate as she is not her girlfriend anymore. She is my wife now. He is insulting her indirectly. Which means he is insulting me.

I just call the security and gave him last warning to behave himself otherwise i won't take a second to fire him.

He just chuckle even when security was dragging him outside.

I really got angry and tensed and was massaging my temples when jungkook came in and said

Taehyung we have to go to Busan. Mr choi had accepted the proposal. Wait are you alright. What did that Mark do.

Though i was tensed but listening to this news i became a little happy as i was really working hard for this deal. I said

Nothing he was just misbehaving. Forget it and tell me when we'll have to leave.

Jungkook said

We'll have to leave in two days. And yes Jimin will also be joining us in Busan for the project.

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