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While waiting for doctor to come out jungkook receive a call. He looks disappointed after attending the call. Taehyung asked him to which he replied

Police couldn't found Haeri. Even her family didn't knew where she is.

Taehyung sighed. Jimin also reached the hospital and just then doctor came out. Taehyung asked the doctor

How is she? What happened to her?

The doctor reply

She fainted because of emotional stress. Don't need to worry as she is fine now and will regain conscious within an hour.

Taehyung sighed in relief and said

Can we meet her?

The doctor said

Yes you can but be gentle and soft with her. She will be stressed or zoned out for few days but then will be back to her normal self.

Taehyung nodded and went inside followed by jimin and jungkook.

He saw you laying unconscious. Your face looks pale. You eyes were red and swollen because of crying too much. He sat beside you and hold your hands in his. He chuckle sadly and started playing with your fingers. Your hands were small as compared to his. He kissed the palm of your hand.

Jimin came towards taehyung and said

Don't worry taehyung. We are here with you. She might be stressed right now so don't start the topic as soon as she woke up.

Jungkook added

She is a sensible and mature girl. She will listen to your explanation. She will give you chance to prove your innocence as she also wants it to be a lie.

Jimin then said

Me and jungkook will go and clear hospital bills and will be in the waiting area.

They both went outside so that when you woke up you both can talk in private.

After few minutes you started moving and mumbling something which taehyung can't understand. Sweat was forming on your face, your breathing got heavy, your expression was scared.

Taehyung sat on the bed and try to wake you up. You open your eyes and started panting while looking around. You sat up and tears started to fall from your eyes.

Taehyung cupped your face wiping your tears and said

What happened dear?

You look at him and hug him tightly snuggling in his chest and started crying. Taehyung also hug you and started rubbing your back. He said

What happened sweetheart?

You said in between your crying still hugging him


He hum in response still rubbing your back

You were saying slowly as you were crying. Taehyung sensed what you're going to ask. He cut your sentence by saying

Yes sweetheart. I still love you. I always loved you. And will always love you. Now please stop crying. It hurts seeing you crying.

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