A Traumatic Backstory

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Salem, 2003:
"Isn't she beautiful!" Your mother said, holding her newly-born baby. Sarah Sanderson was lying in her blood-stained bed, in her dark bedroom. The dark red curtains were closed with only a little bit of light being let in to the dark room. You stretched in her arms, rolling over and getting lots of attention from your aunts and mother. "She is perfect Sarah! Thou art lucky to have such an amazing child." Your aunt Winifred placed her hand on your cheek. "I thought thou hated children Winnie?!" Your mother looked at Winifred with a confused look. "Not thine child. She is positively addictive!"

Your mother enjoyed hearing compliments from her sisters for once. "So, Sarah..." Your aunt Mary began. "Who is the father of this adorable child?" She asked your mother. "To be honest.. I'm not really sure." She lied to her sisters. Your father was Billy Butcherson. But Sarah could not tell Winifred, or your aunt might just kill your mother.

8 Years Later:
"Now that thou art older," began your mother. "Thou can start using thine magic." She smiled a warm smile to you. "What kind of magic will I have mother?" You asked her. "Nobody knows except-" Your mother was interrupted by a knock on the front door. "Wait here sweetie." She brushed some of your blonde hair behind your ear. You nodded and sat on your bed with a spell book. You flicked over the pages and smiled as you read the spells.

About 30 minutes later, your mother came back with tears in her eyes, not letting any tears fall. "Is everything alright mama?" You asked her. She subtly shook her head. "The humans are killing my sisters tonight." She managed to stutter between tears. "Wait... they're going to kill Auntie Winnie and Auntie Mary?!" You asked your mother, not wanting to believe what she told you. "Mama.. that cannot be so!" You felt a tear roll down your face.

"Honey, never's don't feel emotions. Thou can't cry sweetie." Your mother told you. "What's a never? Why can't I feel emotions?" You asked her. "I wasn't supposed to say that. You never heard anything, alright?" She stared directly into your eyes and you felt as if you couldn't remember anything she'd just said. "Wait... what were we just discussing? I cannot remember. I feel strange." You rubbed your head, feeling a slight headache.

"I'm sorry honey. Thou need forgeteth what I had told thee." She stroked your cheek. "Okay! Is that your power? Making people forget things?" You asked her with an optimistic smile. "That, hypnotism and manipulation by singing." She smiled back. "Well, honey, I honestly think thou will have some of the same powers as me. Thine father was not magic." She sat down on the bed next to you.

"Now when you say my father wasn't magic, you mean you did know who my father was?" You gave your mother a disapproving look. "Okay... Aunt Winnie would have killed thee if she knew. Thine father shared his first kiss with Winnie and she thought that made them soulmates. Everyone knows evil cannot love, so that isn't completely true. I was... fooling around with your father and Winnie walked in. She saw what we were doing and poisoned your father. She would have killed me if she knew that thou art his daughter. She would be incredibly jealous."

Your mother pulled you in for a hug. You hugged her back. "And you're sure I'm going to be magic?" You asked her. "Most definitely. Thou art the daughter of an almighty witch!" She gave you a warm smile. "You know what? Sing these song lyrics." She handed you a piece of paper and a melody with music notes. "Now, go and stand by the window and sing out loud." She opened the window for you to sing out of.

"Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of magic~" You sang out the window.

Almost instantly, swarms of dazed-looking children approached the house. "Wait. Did I just do that?" You stuttered to your mother. She smiled at you with an impressed look. "Yes honey. That was you. I can do that too so that means you have the exact same powers as me!" Your mother seemed very excited about the fact that you both had the same powers.

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