The School for Good

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Olivia's POV:
Clarissa held my hand all the way back to the Ever castle. "Do you want a tour now? Properly, that is." Clarissa asked me. "Go on then." I smiled. She took us back across the bridge and I admired the view of our castle.


I had a very thorough tour of the castle. From where my libraries were, to where they store old clothes. "If you would like to follow me up these stairs, I can show you to your dorm." Clarissa gave me a friendly smile. I followed her up the stairs to the second-highest floor where all the teachers had their dorms. "Room 34 is yours. I made sure you would have a room that suited your personality."

She took me down the hallway to room 34. "Here we are." She opened the door. The inside was the most beautiful room I had ever seen.

It most certainly suited my personality

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It most certainly suited my personality. "Oh my lord. That is the most beautiful room I have ever seen." I stuttered. "I'm so glad you like it!" Clarissa was so happy for me. "There are some of the best fairytales on that section over there," She pointed to a wall I hadn't even seen yet. "Over there are your spells and magic," She pointed to a wall with mostly golden books. "And finally over there is everything else." She pointed to multiple walls filled with different colours.

It took me a while to take everything in. "I hope you enjoy reading all these books, Olivia." She took my hand. I looked over at her and smiled like a child in a toy-store. "This is everything I've ever wanted. My powers can finally be put to use somewhere and my love for books will come in handy!" I felt like I was going to explode.

"If there is anything at all that you aren't happy with, I will have it changed. From books to the bed covers. Everything will be perfect, just for you, my love." Clarissa gave me a warm smile. "It just looks so perfect. THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I couldn't contain my excitement anymore.

Clarissa pulled me into a hug. She smelt like roses with a hint of strawberries. You wouldn't expect that to be the best combination, but it was literally what I thought heaven smelt like.

It was at this moment I knew,

Clarissa Dovey will be my wife.


~School for Evil in the time this took place,~

Y/n's POV:

Olivia and Professor Dovey left the room back to the school for Good. Lesso used her magic to shut the door from her chair. "Well now we're alone," She stood up. "I need to talk to you." She walked around the desk and looked me in the eye.

"Well, what do you wish to discuss, Nora?" I giggled the last bit. She gave me a death stare. If looks could kill, she would have just brutally stabbed me and thrown me off a cliff.

"Nobody. Is allowed. To call me. Nora." She held her death stare. "Okay. Never again. Apologies, Lady Lesso." I took a step back. "But why did you let Clarissa call you by your name?" I asked her.

"Because that's not my full name. She does know it, she just chooses not to address me by it... I would stab her. And she knows it."

"Oh wow. Okay then. I'm not even going to ask what it is then." I was taken aback by Lady Lesso saying she would stab Dovey without any hesitation. Maybe that's just how Never's are? My mother certainly wasn't like that...

"Anyways. We have things to discuss." She changed the subject.

"Okay then! What do you wish to discuss?"

"You're a Never. You know it. Dovey knows it. I know it. You must stay in this school. It would do more for you then the school for good." She put her hand on my shoulder while she spoke. I couldn't help but feel a little flustered. I think I blushed a bit.. I hoped I didn't... deep inside I knew I had.

"Somebody is flustered? Or is it just too hot in here?"


I had blushed.

I didn't know what to do.

"I-I'm just t-too hot.." I stuttered to her. "Oh don't worry, little Raven. I won't tell a soul that a young Never has some feelings."

She smirked at me in the most devilish way. I looked away from her piercing gaze. "You can't be in love with me though." She broke our silence. "I'm going to be your Dean."

Oh shit. I'm going to have a crush on my Dean.

"Plus, I'd never be allowed to like you back. True Never's don't have feelings and I'm the leader of Never's. I'd watch your little heart shatter into a million little pieces. All. For. Me."

I knew I was blushing again. "I-I have to get back to Dovey." I knew I couldn't stay there for long. I was becoming attracted to a woman that went to school with my mother. Even though I was technically old enough...

No. Y/N. You CANNOT seriously be thinking that. Do not date your Dean. Well... she isn't my Dean yet... DOVEY WOULD HAVE A FIT!

"You don't have to do anything, little one." She smirked with that devilish side smile. "B-but Dovey needs to show me to my dorm." I protested.

Lesso rolled her eyes. "Dovey this, Dovey that. You're just like your mother. Trying to follow the rules," Lesso gave a murderous chuckle. "If you want to leave this room, you will have to kiss me first."

"Excuse me?! Did you not JUST say Never's can't love?!"

"Are you gonna stay here and give up or kiss me and leave?" She showed her devilish side-smile

I walked over to her. "Second option.." I muttered.

"Good little Sanderson." Lesso brought her fingers to my chin and tilted my head upwards so I was looking into her eyes. We both leaned forwards and connected our lips. Her lips were so soft. Not like what you'd expect.

Our kiss was gentle and caring. I pulled away after about 20 seconds and took a few breaths, never leaving Lesso's piercing gaze. "Such a naughty girl. Did I say you could pull away?" She didn't seems out of breath in the slightest.

"N-no.. sorry Lady Lesso.." I stuttered to her whilst probably blushing again. She giggled at my response. "Alrighty then, Sanderson. Off to Dovey with you. I have a lot of fresh villainy to attend to."

I left the room with a ridiculous little smile on my face that I prayed Lesso didn't see before I had turned around.

I walked down all the flights of stairs until I was on the bridge back to the Ever's castle. I took a few steps forward and then paused to take in the gorgeous building.

Y/n. Did you seriously just kiss your future Dean?

Yes, self. Yes you did.


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