Crushes, Classes and Confusion

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As I was making my way to the rose garden, a hand grabbed my shoulder and another covered my mouth, dragging me into a spare storage closet. The hand was removed from my mouth and I was turned around.

"Oh my god Lesso you gave me a bloody heart attack!" I said in my y/a (your accent) accent that I was already picking up from the people in the dorms around me.

"I had to see you again." She said, snapping her fingers to lock the door.

"Impressive trick." I giggled.

"Princess. I'm not sure what you've done to me but I'm still craving you. Darling come to my dorm tonight. 10.00 P.M. sharp. Not a second before, not a second later." She said seductively. "Come prepared, my love~" She added before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke.

Oh no..

Well that's fun..

I walked some more around the gardens and then went back into the castle. I couldn't find my friends anywhere so I sat around and waited for anything to happen.

Then I realised.

Wait. They're probably not 18 yet... let's try this

And then I began to sing my classic song to lure children in, controlling my power so that they would be the only ones able to hear.

Not to my surprise, Beatrix and Kiko appear by my side, dazed. I stop singing and they look at me like I'm crazy.

"How did you do that?!" Asked a confused Kiko.

"Magic. Literally." I responded with a giggle.

Time skip to 9:30PM in Y/N's dorm

I was getting ready to see my mysterious mistress at 10. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to see her.

I was just changing into a beautiful dress
(Pick 1<3)

I was just changing into a beautiful dress(Pick 1<3)

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Obviously I was trying to tease her by showing off a bit of skin after what happened before

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Obviously I was trying to tease her by showing off a bit of skin after what happened before. I decided to dye my hair Y/H/C (or just leave it blonde<3) just to see if she liked it.

After I finished my makeup, hair and outfit, I looked at the time and saw it was 9:50.


It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the school for evil and to Lesso's tower! Never mind sneaking out, avoiding Dovey, Olivia and a few others, getting past wolves AND getting up all the Never stairs and down all the Ever stairs...


I decided I had enough panicking, picked up my key and left my dorm. I ran as quickly (and quietly) down the hallway as I could, passing Olivia's quarters, and getting to the stairs.

I tried to run down the stairs as best I could in heels. I managed to stumble only once!

When I got to the bottom, I heard heels clacking.

Why on EARTH is Lesso in the school for good?!

I checked the time. 10.02 PM. Shit.

I stopped dead in my tracks and hid behind a pillar. I thought I was safe but that was until I noticed her shadow literally about to walk into me.

I tried to move silently but the brick of the wall had got the mesh of my skirt/sleeves stuck. I was trapped and about to die. This was not good.

"My little princess~ you didn't follow my rules. Now you have to pay the price." She said, from behind the other side of the pillar, before walking around to my side and pinning me to it by my neck.

She smashed her lips on mine without warning. It was what I'd been waiting for all day. She slightly pulled back.

"Little princess~ you're so cute tonight. Made an effort, dyed your hair and you even put heels on! A+ for effort but an F for punctuality!" She said before cackling manically.

I blushed and looked away. I was so scared and I had no idea what she was going to do next. I'd never seen the true extent of Lesso's punishment before.

With her hand, she turned my head back to look in my eyes. "Don't try and hide from me, princess. It won't work." She cackles again and smashes her lips on mine once again.

And then we heard something we'll never forget for the rest of our lives.


Hello!! I'm so sorry it's been so long! I've had loads going on recently! I got 2 dogs hehe. I'll try update more... I promise!! Love you guys x

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