We're in trouble...

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And then we heard something we'll never forget for the rest of our lives.

Olivia's POV:
Cuddling with Clarissa is definitely something I needed in my life. I've been waiting for love like this for years.

"My darling?"

I was snapped out of my trance after Clarissa spoke to me.

"Yes my love?"

She smiled at me and looked up at me. She was in my arms. I was in her room, cuddling with her, quite late at night.

"I think you need to go back to your room now so that no students see you come out in the morning. They can't know yet. Only Y/N and Lesso know." Clarissa said to me

I knew she was right but I didn't really want to leave. I'd had the best day with her and being able to call her mine was the best feeling.

"Ughhhh do I have toooo?" I whined, knowing that I did in fact have to.

She nodded and I reluctantly stood up. "It's not that I want you to go, it's just I don't want us to be in trouble."

"I get that darling. I'll see you tomorrow" I said and placed a kiss on her forehead before quietly leaving her dorm.

I then tried to walk as quietly as I could back down the hallway. I didn't want to wake anyone up if they heard me... plus I didn't want to get caught leaving Clarissa's room.

Everything was going well until I heard 2 sets of heels clicking. I had to hide against a bit of wall, with my back against it, so nobody could see me on the other side.

I started to hear a conversation between Lady Lesso and... my Y/N?? Why is she romancing my little Y/N??

I turned my head and Lesso's lips were on Y/N's. What the hell was I witnessing?
Of course I'm fine with Y/N being in a relationship. But when the other person in said relationship is Lady Lesso...

Then the words came out my mouth before I realised what I was saying.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I screamed, mostly towards Lesso, but still towards both.


Lesso slowly removed her lips from mine. She was very reluctant to do so.

"We're dead." I whispered to Lesso. She just turned around and looked at Olivia, cool as a cucumber.

"Kissing. Kissing is what we were doing. Just like what you and Dovey were doing no doubt probably less then 10 minutes ago." Lesso proudly stated.

Olivia seemed flustered. This normally happened when she tried to tell me off as a child though. She'd act all dominant and scary and I'd make one joke about her being in love with Miss Ecclesborne (the local bookstore owner) and she'd be flustered and lose all her dominance.

"Is this consensual?" Olivia asked more calmly, trying to stay more relaxed.

Lesso tried to answer but I knew she wouldn't believe it unless it came from me. "Yes Olivia. It's 100% consensual. I am ridiculously attracted to this woman and I think she is lovely really when she drops the mask of bitchy boss woman." I giggled at the end of my sentence. (We're so amazing guys we just insulted Lesso 😌)

Olivia smiled and calmed down. "Well I can't stop you then. Y/N is 19 and I don't dare try and guess Lesso's age." Olivia said, still smiling. She didn't have a problem with it.

Eventually, she left to go back to her dorm, leaving me and Lesso.


"Yes my queen?"

"What did you call me 5 minutes ago?" She looked scary as hell when she said this.

"Uhm..." I had to think. I had called her a lot of things during the conversation with Olivia.

"You called me a 'bitchy boss woman'!" She growled.

"I-I- u-uhrm.. ye-yes i did.." I knew she was going to end me for that.

"It's your own fault for what happens next princess. You shouldn't have done that." She smirks before covering my eyes with her hand and holding my back to her chest with the other arm.

I felt like I became one with the air for a moment before I realised she had teleported us somewhere.

Why is she overreacting like this?! I called her a nickname!!

"Oh darling, you forget I can read minds."


She took her hand off my eyes. "Look where we are!" She cackled intimidatingly. "The doom room!" She finished.

Hello guys!! Thoughts on the chapter? Also, I will try and update as soon as I can. I have 3 missing assignments and school in 2 hours so pray for me lol. What do you guys think about having the next chapter as a ... smut chapter 😨?!
Have an amazing day/night guys x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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