Dorm, Dovey and Desperation

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Y/n's POV:
I took the next few steps into the Ever's castle, still processing the fact that I had just kissed the ICON of all Never's. Was I truly going to be a Never?

I didn't let that question irritate me too much though. I primarily focused on finding Dovey and seeing my new dorm. I still had the thought open in the back of my mind like a google tab that you won't ever use again but you just keep it there in case you do.

I walked to where I'd found the groom room before and found my way from there. There was a staircase just a little bit off from there so I climbed it up to the top. I imagined it would practically mirror the Never's castle, just without the darkness and the death and the despair.

I found what I presumed to be Dovey's tower and knocked on the door. "It's y/n! I'm coming in." I said before giving her any time to reply.

Big. Damn. Mistake.

Olivia had Dovey pinned to the wall and they were making out. I shrieked and covered my eyes. They immediately pulled away. "Miss Sanderson! Please knock next time!"

"I did, Miss Dovey, but there was no answer, so I came in."

Dovey and Olivia came away from the wall. "Let me show you to your dorm." Dovey smiled like I hadn't just walked in on her and my 'mother' making out.

I followed her down to the third floor of the castle was where the student dorms were.

"Down the hall to room 66. This year we have given our students privacy by giving them their own dorms. I have matched the perfect one to you!" Dovey smiled at me while we walked down the hallway.

She stopped at a golden door labelled 'Room 66, Miss y/n Sanderson' . Dovey opened the door to reveal the most beautiful of rooms.

(Pls pretend the cat is black 😭)

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(Pls pretend the cat is black 😭)

It was gorgeous. But I only payed attention to one thing. The cat. It looked just like Lesso's cat transformation. I noticed straight away. The cat smirked at me.. if that's even possible..

"Oh! Look! You've got a little friend! Why don't you sit and pet her hm?" Dovey suggested.


I had to STROKE Lady fucking Lesso.

I walked over to my new bed and sat on the blankets. I reached out my hand to touch her and she closed her cat eyes. Her fur was RIDICULOUSLY soft. The black fur with slight lighter patches felt amazing. The softest cat I've ever stroked.

I was enjoying having a little friend around, even if it was Lady Lesso...

I'd been stroking her for around 4 minutes when she purred a little, although she caught herself and stopped immediately.

Boy was I going to tease her about that next time I saw her.

"We'll leave you to settle in now. See you later y/n!" Dovey smiled at me and left the room with Olivia.

The Forbidden Fairytale (Lady Lesso x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now