Morning Madness and More Meaningful Introductions

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Y/n's POV:
I woke up, unclothed, with Lesso's arms wrapped around me.

Did we seriously do that last night?

"Yes. We did."

"Holy shit Lesso. You scared me." I giggled. "Wait. How did you know what I was thinking?"

"I can read minds. All the basic never stuff."

Wow. She can read minds. I knew I had to be super careful now. I was being careful before, but I had to be even more careful now.

"Don't be scared. I only read your mind so I could see if you were awake or not. I don't do it often."

I giggled and turned around to face her in her arms. "What's so funny, princess?" She smiled at me. "You. You said Never's aren't allowed to have feelings, and yet here we are, cuddling after having sex last night. That's what's funny."

"Oh shush it princess. You did that to me." She held me closer to her. I looked at her lips. I decided to make the bold move of kissing her. So I did.

I leaned in slowly, giving her enough time to back away if she didn't want to, but much to my surprise, she didn't move and allowed me to kiss her. It was slow and loving. She even kissed me back.

I pulled away. "So the personification of Evil herself is breaking the one real rule of being a Never now? I guess I am evil."

"No you're not, princess, and I'm not giving in to you. No matter how hot you find me."

I blushed. "You're blushing, princess."

"Stop calling me princess. I'm a witch."

"Really, honey? Really?"

"Honey? Lesso I swear to god you're making it impossible for me not to fall in l-" I stopped before finishing the sentence.

"Go on princess. Say it and you might just be surprised." She smirked at me, still looking into my eyes.

Oh. Surprised? What? Well let's try then..

"Stop making it impossible for me not to fall in love with you, Nora." I just had to tease her a bit.

Oh good god. If looks could kill, I would just have been brutally hung, stabbed, thrown off a cliff and thrown into the sea. But that's just Lesso.

"If you're going to tease me with my name I will not hesitate to tease you in other ways, witch."

At her tease, I couldn't help but close my eyes again, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

Lady Lesso got out of my bed and stretched. "Oh shit you can see me." She remembered, before turning into a cat.

"Meow~" Was all I heard before she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Well shit. The Dean of the school for Evil left all her clothes in my bedroom. What the fuck. Well okay. So what do I do now...

I decided to get out of bed and get dressed. There were so many outfits in my wardrobe. I loved them all but I decided on this:

It matched my style and personality perfectly

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It matched my style and personality perfectly. I put the dress on and walked over to my mirror to do my hair. I wanted to go simple so I left most of it down and left it like this:

 I wanted to go simple so I left most of it down and left it like this:

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I looked (and felt) beautiful. By the time I was ready, it was already 7:30 and food would be being served in the main hall. Classes started at 9 so I had an hour and a half to eat, see Olivia, find Beatrix + friends and maybe run into Lesso by 'accident'.

I walked down a staircase and found myself on the first floor. Humming my favourite song, I walked into the hall that connected all Never's and Ever's. I instantly saw Olivia sitting at the teacher's table conversing with Clarissa and a few other teachers. I thought it only right to go and see how she was.

As I walked over to her, I thought about how happy she looked with Clarissa. I hadn't seen her smile like that for years. It made me smile just to think about it.

"Hiyya 'Liv!" I said as I came closer to the table she was sat at.

"Y/n/n!!" She exclaimed before standing up and pulling me into a tight embrace. She took my hand and made me sit next to her at the table.

On the other side of her was Clarissa, warm smile as always, and in front of her were 4 faces I didn't recognise.

"I am Professor Emma Anemone. You have me first this morning, young reader." One said, before giving me the sweetest smile I had ever seen.

"I am Professor August Sader. I believe I teach your year today as well." An older man said before reaching his hand out or me to shake.

"I'm Princess Uma! I have you after Em- I mean Professor Anemone! Please excuse me if I make mistakes... it's my first year too!" A blonde woman said to me with an angelic voice.

"And I'm Professor Cozbi Lovett. I teach history of magic! I have you every day of the week and for a double lesson on Fridays." Said a pretty woman with auburn hair and brown eyes. She had a strong English accent that made her sound clever.

"Well it's nice to meet you all! Ms. Dovey, have you seen Beatrix or Kiko around anywhere?" I asked.

"Have you looked in the rose garden?" She replied.

"No! I'll go and check now. It was nice meeting you all." I said politely before excusing myself to find my soon-to-be best friends.

I'm so sorry it's been so long and that this chapter is only 1000 words but I wanted to publish because its been years. I've literally written this in 10 mins and haven't proofread at all so I'm sorry if there's mistakes. Please comment suggestions!! I'm running out of ideas! So please please give me ideas! Thank you all for reading. It means so much!

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