Gorgeous Redhead

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Y/n's POV:
"Here we are then." Dovey said to me with a worried look, still trying to smile though. I looked up at the gorgeous black castle. "This is everything I've ever dreamed of." I was in complete awe of the castle. It was stunning. "Follow me to Lesso's office." Dovey still had her worried smile.

Whilst walking down the hallway on the first floor, we got many looks from the Never's. I didn't care though. I was too busy being in love with the castle. We walked up a staircase onto the second floor. I guessed there were just many classrooms here. We went up again and those were the student dorms. There was another staircase and on that floor were teacher's dorms. "This is the final staircase into Lesso's tower. It's a bit cold up there. Lesso usually has a fire going though so we should be okay." Dovey smiled at me and Olivia.

We climbed up the final staircase into a tower. "There's Lesso's office," Dovey pointed to a black, marbled door. "And there's her bedroom." She pointed to a door that looked exactly the same. We walked over to the office door and knocked on it. "Who is it?" Came a voice from inside. "It's Clarissa! I've got a question regarding my Reader this year." Dovey called into the room. The door opened. There was a gorgeous red headed woman sat behind a desk on the other end of the room. I guessed she opened the door with magic. "Come over here." The woman, who I presumed was Lady Lesso, ordered us.

We approached her desk. "Ah! Ms. Y/n Sanderson! I was very confused to hear that they put a Sanderson in the school for Good." She said with a slight smile. "The black cat has been watching over you, hasn't she?" She continued. "Y-yes. How do you know that?!" I stuttered out of shock. The woman stood up from her desk. There was a cloud of purple smoke and she was no longer there. "Lady Lesso?" Clarissa called.


I looked behind her desk to see the black cat that usually was by my house. "OH MY SATAN'S CRYPT AND ALL THINGS UNHOLY! HOW- WHAT- WHY-" I was so confused. She jumped on the desk and stretched. "Meow~" She meowed again. "I'm afraid I don't speak cat." I giggled. She jumped off the desk and turned back into herself. "I said, I wanted to keep an eye on you. I wanted you here this year in my school!" She looked at Clarissa towards the end of that sentence.

"But y/n can't possibly be a reader could she?" Olivia asked, really confused. "Ah, Olivia Caliban. New to this whole fairytale thing? Y/n's mother, Sarah, is not your typical fairytale witch. She is an earth witch. She was also a reader to this school, meaning neither Winifred or Mary Sanderson attended." Lesso explained to her. Olivia looked over to Clarissa. "Lady Lesso is right, my love." Clarissa said to her. She wrapped her arm around Olivia's waist.

"My love? We're ONE day into the school year Clarissa. ONE. And you've already found a new girlfriend?" Lesso was shocked to hear that. Honestly, I didn't expect for them to be dating already. Oh well. As long as they're happy I guess...

"So what? But please. What about the y/n school situation?" Dovey changed the subject. "Wish I could pull bitches that fast.." Lesso continued to change it to a different subject. "I'm honestly surprised you don't have a partner? You're stunning!" I smiled at the sinister redhead. She giggled for a second. "Eh. Never's aren't supposed to love. We don't have feelings. Plus, none of the girls I've liked-" Lesso was interrupted by Olivia and Clarissa kissing. "See, y/n, this is the sort of thing I mean. Typical Ever's! Kissing in front of a Never to make her jealous. Some people." She said, shaking her head and scoffing.

I couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Your laugh isn't giving me Never vibes..." Lesso muttered. "Plus, how would you describe your relationship with Olivia?" She continued. "Well Olivia has been like a mother to me since my real mother died. I love her!" I looked over to see Olivia smiling in Dovey's arms. "Wait. Your mother is dead..? That can't be! She is the strongest of all the Never's out there! She can't seriously be gone.. c-can she?" Lesso sounded a little nervous towards the end of that sentence. Almost like she was showing.. feelings?!

"She's gone..." I tried to hold back my tears, and by the looks of things, so did Lesso! She wasn't completely evil! She's going against her own word if she was! "Well. I'm sorry to hear about your mother but we have to discuss your school place now." She stuttered slightly while she spoke. "If Clarissa would stop eating your mother's face off, it would be most appreciated in my office." Lesso stared at Dovey.

Dovey jolted back from Olivia. "N-now.. the school place was it? Yes? Okay!" She stuttered. Olivia looked like she was going to die but it was so funny. "Y/n is CLEARLY a Never! Did you ever meet Sarah Sanderson? She had such strong magic!" Lesso made her point to Dovey. "Well when did Sarah use her most powerful magic, Nora?"

"Is this some form of test that I was supposed to study for? I'm the Dean of Evil. I don't study."

"No, silly, it's from when you were the black cat! When did Sarah use her strongest power?"

"When y/n was insulted by a guy in the crowd to see the witch hanging, but that's only because her daughter was in danger!"

"Didn't you ever see? Sarah loved y/n! She showed emotion! That means Sarah wasn't actually a Never and there has been a mistake in the schools before! She also loved Billy Butcherson! That explains why y/n is here right now!"

"Oh my.. you are actually right Clarissa I-I don't know what to say to that."

"That y/n is in the RIGHT place perhaps?!"

"As much as I hate to say it, y/n Sofia-Marie Sanderson is an Ever." Lesso said through gritted teeth. "How do you know my full name? Only my mother and me know it?" I was so confused.

"Your mother stayed in contact with me. We were good friends. That's why I knew where to watch over you. I visited you when you were younger. Gave you a little scar on your neck so I'd know it was you when you came here."

"What this massive one here?" I moved the hair from over my shoulder to behind my back. "Yep. The massive one that looks like a diamond. I did that." She seemed pretty proud of herself. I giggled at her facial expression. "You remind me of your mother, you know." She gave me a small smile, like it was hard to even see it.

"Clarissa, you may take Olivia back to your school and show her around. I need to speak to y/n for a moment. I'll send her to you after we're done." Lesso looked over to Dovey and Olivia. "Very well then! See you in a little while y/n. Goodbye Lady Lesso. Olivia, if you would please follow me that would be much appreciated."

Olivia nodded her head and the two of them were off. To this day I still don't know exactly what happened between those two...

The Forbidden Fairytale (Lady Lesso x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now