Christmas time

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[A/N: This first part is going to be kinda uneventful but I will try my best to make it fun to read.]


It was almost Christmas and I had no worries because last week I finished my exams and now I have 3 whole weeks off and then back to school, a fresh start again.

I woke up and saw that it was already 11.40 so I tried to wake myself up and put some clothes on. I chose a dark red hoodie with gray sweatpants. Then I decided to wear a pair of thick socks because my feet were cold.

When I opened the door to the living room I was greeted by the smell of warm pancakes and by the sight of my mom cooking whilst listening to Maria Carry and dancing. I yawned and said "good morning to you too!" which she replied to by waving me over and when I came closer I saw a plate with pancakes and fruit. I quickly grabbed the plate and went to the table right next to the kitchen island.

Before digging into my plate I said "thank you so much''. "It's no problem, I have to treat you right when you're here because when you go back to boarding school you'll have no time for us and you'll hardly visit!" she said as if I didn't come every weekend. I ate some of my pancakes and replied "MoOomm, you know I have a lot of work!". "I know Rosa, we just miss you. But it's your last year and then you could live back with us for awhile" she said excitedly.

She continued with even more excitement "Rosaline, I have something for you by the way. You are going to love it". She handed me a wrapped box. I said confused "Mom, it's the 18th of December. Why are you already giving me gifts". She said "Just open it already! It's a welcome home gift". I unwrapped the paper and was greeted with a cardboard box and I looked at my mom who was waiting for me to open it. I opened the box and I saw an orange cap from McLaren. I squealed and hugged my mom tightly. It wasn't just a McLaren Cap, it had Lando's and Carlos' signature on it!

My mom knows that I had an obsession with Formula 1 since I was 8 years old. Before that I was obsessed with Cars and Mario Cart. We even have a tradition of going karting every month but because of my studies it has become every three months or so.

I put the cap on and said warmly "I actually have something for you too". I grabbed my phone and opened the online tickets of a local band my mom and my sister like. I let her look at my phone and she looked shocked. "ROSALINE!" my mom said at the same time as my sister, Evelyn, who didn't know I already came home yesterday. I walked to my sister to hug her and said "Perfect timing, i was just letting mom see my gift for you and her". She looked at me and said "What gift, little sis". "Tickets to that band you like" I calmly said. My sister looked at my mom and giggled while hugging me again.

"Rosa, where did you get the money to buy this?" my mom asked worried. "I had a lot of discounts with my student ID, so I ended up only paying 50% for 2 tickets". "Only 2?" Evelyn asked. "Yes, sorry, I don't like that kind of music and I'm already going to that Christmas party, you know?" I happily said so she won't worry too much, I didn't even plan on going to that Christmas party, I just couldn't afford a 3rd ticket.

My sister looked at me with a shocked face after she got pancakes herself. I said confused "What, Evenly". She kept staring and finally said "Your hat!". A rush of relief rushed over me and my smile grew wide while saying "Oh, My God! I know, cool right. Mom got it for me. I'm planning to never take it off". "As you should!" my sister replied.


After eating breakfast I took a shower, did my make up and picked out an outfit. I was wearing an oversized white knitted sweater with black jeans. I had planned to go do something in the city with my best friend. Time flew by and it was already 13.00 and we had a rendezvous planned over half an hour. I texted her to know where we would meet up.

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