New year's Eve Party

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[I'm in a writing mood so I wrote this only a day after the last chapter. I hope you like this. Ps look at the 'introduction' because some people's age are adjusted.]

With him, every moment felt like a dream, a fairytale that was more than it seemed.

Silence, birds chirping and trees blowing in the wind. The air in my room was refreshing, as I felt the cold, but not too cool, air in my longs. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a few sunbeams in my room.

Yesterday was a nice day, everything went by calm and I had washed the dress for new years eve so it wouldn't have a shop smell anymore. I had worn my heels to break them in and to practice walking on them since I'm going to need to wear them for a long time. My ankles weren't as sore as I thought they would be, probably because I went to sleep early.

I looked at the time. It being around 9.30 I decided to lay down for a bit more. For today, the 30th of January, I planned on doing research on Prema and packing my things to go to Venassa because I was going to sleep over the day before the party. That would be practical, so she could take her time on my make up in the morning.

I got up and didn't bother to put on something different than my pyjama. I stopped at my mom's office to say good morning. "Hey mom, good morning" I said. "Good morning, Rose." she responds. "I was wondering if you could pick me up from the new year's eve party," I asked. "please" I added. "Okay, but you know the rules. You can drink, but I'm not picking up a drunken wreck." she said. I was 16 so I actually could drink things like beer. I couldn't drink strong liqueurs though. But I was not planning on being drunk. "Yes, of course, thank you mama" I assure. "No problem, sweetie. I'll be picking you up at midnight." she said. I wanted to stay longer but there was no point in arguing with my mom.

I sauntered to the kitchen. I picked up a bowl and took the yogurt out the fridge. I put the yoghurt in my bowl and the musli which was in a glass jar on the kitchen island. I took a spoon from the drawer and sat down at the table. I don't like musli but I needed to be on a diet for F4. My sister had sent me a couple of trainers but I didn't find any of them good enough.

While eating I was going through my mail on my laptop, my sister had send me a couple more and one of them stood out, Sophie. She had dyed blond hair and green eyes. She did pretty good jobs with other young athletes and she liked F1. I grabbed my phone and opened the chat with my sister.

Heyy, that Sophie looks like somebody I would click with and she likes F1.

Good! I'll set up a meeting.
Rosa, am I your manger our would you like for me to find you one?

Sis, I would like for you to be my manager if you want

Evelyn 💛
Yesssss, ofcourse I want to!

I'm 4-6 January in Italy would you want to come with me and also if the trainer is alright with it I would like for her to also come.

Evelyn 💛
Yes, I'll be there and I'll try to get a meeting with her the 3th.

Okay, thank youuu

I opened google and typed "Prema" I clicked on the first link which brought me to there homepage. I obviously knew them already because I follow F3 and F2 but I wanted to know a bit more about the team and drivers.

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