A Reminiscence

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I have many memories of my childhood but recently I've been thinking about this one the most and I've been wondering if I remembered this correctly.

I was 10, ruffly 6 years ago. I already found out about my passion for karting two/tree years earlier. This one boy, Laurens, I used to be friends with, since we were almost no girls at our local circuit, had a karting championship he was attending in Australia. My mom was friendly with his parents so after a lot of begging we convinced them to let me come to. Although I wasn't allowed to participate in the race, I was glad that I could support my friend.

~Wednesday, April 23, 2014~
(Holiday brake)
Melbourne, Australia

"G day!" Laurens laughed while mimicking an Australian. "Shut up! Somebody will hear you." I laughed out. We were walking through the mini paddock on our way to his 'garage'.

"Since it's your first race, I'll need to introduce you to my friends, you'll like them!" Laurens said. "You don't have to, I'll only be here for a weekend." I mentioned. "No, they have to meet you. They'll find you awesome." he said in excitement. "Okay, if you don't mind."

Moments later we arrive at his garage where his dad was. "Dad? Is it okay if I go introduce Ro to my other friends?" He sweetly asked. "Of course not, just be back on time." he answered.

Laurens simply dragged me to his friends. It didn't take long before I was stood in front of boys in racesuits. Laurens was definitely one of the younger ones, almost everyone looked 1-2 years older. "Hey guys, this is Rosaline. But you can call her Ro. She's my friend from home." he said. Not many boys reacted but I got a couple of smiles.

After a while of joking around with these friends, one of them talked to me. "Hey, what brings you actually here? It's hard to believe you're here all the way from Belgium for him." the boy asked. "I also kart that's how I met Laurens, but just not competitively. I love being around engines." I answer. "Really, we need to get you in a kart." the boy said.

"Guess what? Rosaline karts! why didn't you say that Laurens." the boy said for everyone to hear and my cheeks turned red. "You know what? I'll ask my parents to hire you a kart to do a test ride." he proposed. "Are you serious?" I ask.

Twenty minutes later I was sat inside a kart with my suit on that I had packed, just incase. A couple of boys had come with us to practice for their race.

I saw that people already were practicing so I joined. The feeling of speed felt like home. The warm sun heating up the inside of my helmet made me sweat. I felt butterfly's in my stomach when I had pushed my full weight down on the gaspadle.

Soon I was overtaking person by person. I saw Laurens waving from the side line and I decided that I had enough for today. I parked the kart in the pit and ran to Laurens and his friends, who were suddenly very interested.

Before I could approach them I felt a hand brushing my fingers tips gently to try to turn me around in a not so harsh way. I turned and came eye to eye with the very boy who got me in that kart, aka my first ever crush.

"That was awesome, you're really something else on track! Now I get why Laurens talks crazy about you." the Australian boy said. "Thank you! Sorry what was your name? I didn't get that earlier." I smile wide at him when he smiled back at my question. I didn't know if he was sun kissed or actually blushing in that moment.

"Oh, it's-"

"Rosaline, that was insane!" Laurens yelled out as he turned me around in his embrace. I get a lot of "yeah"s and highfives from his friends. When I look back I can't spot the Aussie boy anywhere.

For the rest of the day I was to afraid to ask Laurens after the boy. I didn't want him to think I like him, even though I did.

Now that I think back to this memory of the Aussie boy with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes, he does remind me of someone.  And if I remember correctly the boy had many moles on his face, and this would verify things even more.

It's- no it can't be? Oscar Piastri. It would explain alot of things. And the thougt had been going through mind from the moment I saw him in F4.


[A/N: This is a sort one but I'm trying to write again]

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