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[A/N: I've been really sick so sorry for uploading no chapter last week. I' still not fully recovered but I'll try my best to make this chapter as good as the rest. Thanks for reading!]

You drew memories in my mind I could never erase.
You painted colors in my heart I could never replace.

Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud. And I'm afraid this one is one of mine.

I woke up. My head hurts. I heard people talking. "God, it is 8 in the morning." I complain about the noise. Confused I looked around. I listen closely to the two men arguing. "Where were you last night, man" I heard one of them say. "I told you already, I went straight to here after I got my stuff. You must have forgotten!" I hear muffled through the walls. "She's 2 years younger, mate!" Shit. Reality hits me. I'm in the hotel room of Oscar Piastri.

I look around and see his suitcase. I walk over and steal one of his sweatpants to wear. I picked up my clothes after I quickly tossed my bag over my shoulder. I heard them walk to the door and heard Oscar say something about checking if everything is alright. I ran to the door and to the end of the hallway. I clicked on the elevator button and immediately after I heard their door open. The elevator's doors opened and I rushed in. I looked back and saw Oscar stare at me with a disappointed look, still ahold on to the hotel door after he had closed it behind him. I clicked on the button to close the doors.

I got my phone out of my purse and called my sister. It went straight to voicemail. "I'm in some trouble, please call me back as soon as you can." I spoke. I look through my purse to see if I had any money to pay for a taxi or bus but I didn't. I decided that I would wait outside until my sister answered.

While making my way out the elevator, I paid no attention to my surroundings. I was scrolling through my messages and suddenly felt someone bump into my side as soon as I wanted to walk through the big doors of the building. Or maybe I bumped into him. I looked up and immediately apologies. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I said with panic in my voice. "No, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. Are you alright?" he asked. "Oh my F-ing god, you're Arthur Leclerc?" I spoke with a little too much excitement. "Oh you know me, what's your name?" he laughed out a bit. "Of course I know you, you were 2nd in FRECA. I'm Rosaline Blanc, by the way." I aswerd. "Oh Rosaline Blanc, you are racing in F4 ADAC for Prema. Nice to meet you!" he exclaimed.

I was flattered by the fact that he knew me. "Why are you here?" I asked not wanting to be too curious but wanting to know. "There was this party yesterday I went to." he explained. "Oh yeah, same. I was just going home actually." I said but I saw his eyes focus on something else. "What's up with the outfit?" he asked confused. "Oh, shit." I looked around to see if Oscar had followed me. "Do you have a car?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" he said with a thick french accent. "Could you bring me home? I don't have any money for a taxi." I explained. "Yeah, I'll drive you... Ifff you tell me what's up." he laughed and I nod.

I dragged him outside with me and followed him to his car. Once we sat inside, I let out a sigh. "Don't judge me but yesterday someone had brought me home but I didn't have my keys so I ended up sleeping here. Nothing happened." I explained. "Uhm?" Arthur glanced at my clothes. "Let me guess... The alpine clothes give it away, it's Oscar Piastri. Or either you are in the Alpine academy." he continued. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone." he added when seeing my worried expression. "Yeah, I'm not an Alpine junior. Actually I haven't joined an Academy yet, I have no idea what team to choose." I say. "What are your options?" he asks. "Redbull or Mercedes." I said. I had these offers given a while ago but they were still valid. "I would have known my decision." He said. "I feel like Redbull is the right option but long-term I don't want to end up at Alpha Tauri. If I choose Mercedes it would be Mercedes, Williams or McLaren, that are a lot more options." I explained. "Go with what your heard says otherwise you won't be happy."

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