First Time with Red

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[Sorry that I didn't post for awhile. I couldn't post because of mother's Day. Also I have exams coming up so I don't think I will be uploading chapters then, I will try my best to post more updates on when I will upload though. But here is the next chapter. Enjoy it!]

I feel an unusual warmth under my head. My hand is slightly becoming sweaty at the feeling of his hand around mine. My eyes flutter open. I feel better than before, more awake. I tilt my head off his shoulder. "Good morning." he said casually like we weren't holding hands at that exact moment. "good morning." I replied. I let go of his hand and picked up my phone. We still needed to fly for 15 minutes.

"Are you nervous to meet the team?" I asked. "Not really, I have met them before because of my brother but I'm still nervous to meet my teammates." he explained. "I'm really nervous." I said. "Don't worry, you are a great person and get along with almost everyone." he said comfortably. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said unconvinced.

"Is she okay?" I heard Evelyn ask Arthur with concern in her voice. "She doesn't look okay, but I'm sure she'll be fine." Arthur laughed.

Before I had a chance to speak, there was an announcement made through the speakers of the plane. "We are 5 minutes from the destination and ready to land. Please, fasten your seat belt and open your window shutter." the stewardess told us. That's when I got really scared, the thought of landing was not a comfortable thing to me. And meeting the team wasn't a bonus that would calm me down.

It wasn't as bad as I remembered. Still bad but nothing I couldn't get used to. I looked out the window and saw the beautiful view of the ocean as we landed right next to a beach. The plane smoothly hit the ground and braked. When the plan came to a stop, people started getting up and leaving the plane. We managed to get out too and walk to the exit of the airport. The Italian sun hitting us felt great. Not that it was warm, but definitely warmer then in Belgium. And it was so gorgeous, I've never been to Venice but I'll definitely be coming back.

We were greeted by a man in a red t-shirt holding up a sign saying 'Rosa & Arthur'. We walked up to him and the nice Italian lifted our bags on the cart. We followed the man while he was rolling the cart to the car as we made some small talk.

The car ride took 50 minutes. I spend it looking out the window and listing to music. Music always helped me relax and suddenly I wasn't stressing about anything anymore.

"Solo un minuto e saremo lì" the man said. "He said-" Arthur began to explain to me. Since Evelyn and Sophie were peacefully sleeping I knew it was directed to me. "I know he said that it's just a minute and we'll be there" I interrupted him. "You speak Italian?" he asks. "Parlo un po d'italiano" I answered. Since Spanish and Italian were similar in some ways it was easy to learn for me but that meant I could understand it but not fluently speak it.

I nudged Evelyn to wake her up. She looked grumpy at me. "Can you wake up Sophie, we're almost there." I said. She did as I said. Not even a minute after, we arrived at a hotel. It was a tall building in the middle of the city. It looked old and it had a lot of charm to it. We walked inside and got our room key's. We got 3 room's and discussed how we were going to divide it. We agreed that I had a room and Evelyn would share one with Sophie since otherwise my sister and myself would have a lot of discussions.

We took the elevator to the 4th floor were my sister and Sophie stepped off. Then Arthur and me went up to the the 5th floor. We walked through the hallway till number 513 this was Arthur's room. I said goodbye and walked further down the hallway. I was at my room, the 518th, and was about to open my door when I heard a door open. I looked behind me and saw a very familiar face.

Oscar look at me like he had seen a ghost. "How- why are-" he stuttered. I just opened my door and stepped in my room with a rush. I looked at him one more time and closed the door. Why didn't I say something?

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