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Hey so I decided to write, as is now quite obvious, an MCR fic! (who would've guessed)

Y'all don't know just how many novel ideas I have. It's honestly ridiculous. I come up with an idea, I start brainstorming, I write a few paragraphs, I research the time period, I name and draw my main characters, hell I even make playlists for my individual novels and characters. Then when it gets to the writing part of writing a book, BOOM goes the motivation and I drop it.

Seriously though, it's sad. I do want to be an accomplished author some day, and even publish some books! That being said, if I do write an actual book, I'll probably take some scenes and phrases from here, as I horde my writing like a dragon hordes its treasure. Needless to say, I will be pissed beyond reason if some jackwagon steals what I wrote here. (it's not rad to steal from others)

So, I decided to practice writing by making a fanfic. Yeah. I feel like this'll help me actually write something, because if I have an audience to write for I'll be inclined to actually finish something.

Some stuff about the story:


NAME: Ophelia Thorne

NICKNAMES: Lia, Lee, Rose

AGE: 17

FEATURES: Pale skin, naturally dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. Average build. 5'7".

This story takes place in Belleville, New Jersey, USA. All of the characters (except for the band members) are fictional and made by me. The plot is (hopefully) original as well.

For the sake of this story, Gee, Frank, Ray, and Lia are 17 and seniors in high school (which is year 13 in UK terms I think), and Mikey is 16 and a junior (yeah i know the ages aren't like that proportionately, bear with me here).

Before we get started, I have to say some stuff real quick:

1) As I said above, do not steal my work.

2) I don't write smut because I would make it cringe and also because I'd feel kinda icky.  I will heavily hint at it though if necessary, but I will not write it. ANYWAYS.

3) This is partly inspired by several dreams I've had and I think that's kinda cool 😎

4) I might link a song with the chapter because that song might have inspired the chapter or it fits well with the chapter or I just really want to share my favorite songs <3

5) This is x female OC, because I'm female and only know how to write that sfjgk

6) I intend on writing many references into this so yeah

7) I love you all sm <33333

8) Timelines don't matter in this since I am the author and I probably won't feel like adhering to that strictly.

9) Leave as many comments as you want, as long as they're kind!! I love commenting on stories and I know it can be an excellent motivator haha

10) There will be a decent amount of swearing in this book because I swear all the time and also because this is a my chem fanfic. (what do you expect hahah)

11) As for an update schedule---uhh I'm in high school rn so free time does not exist, but I'll aim to update at least once every two weeks. It may be sooner depending on if I have days off of school or during winter break or something! (edit: yeah no way in hell can I make every two weeks work lol. I'll aim to update once a month, and I like to post two chapters at a time 😊)

12) If there are any spelling/grammatical errors (or if something's just plain confusing) please tell me! It annoys me so much when I skip over an error that I made.

13) I hope my mom doesn't find this 🥲

14) And finally, this book is dedicated to the following people, in no particular order, who have either inspired or encouraged me to write a fic, or are my lovely mutuals (if I forgot to add you please lmk) (I'll be updating this list if/when I remember):


with love,

𝑱𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑬𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑰𝑳𝑺 // gerard way x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now