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"Hey, Lia," I heard someone whisper. "Lia, wake up!"

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's almost one, and I need to get you home or your mom will kill me! Come to think of it, so will mine!"

"Oh shit," I said, checking my watch. "I need to go now!" I jumped off of the couch and grabbed my jacket, throwing it on. "Bye!" I said as I grabbed my bag.

Gerard giggled. "Goodbye!"

I smiled, stopping for a moment to quickly hug him. I then sped out of the door to my car.

Hopefully Mom's already asleep, so I can just sneak into my room and go to bed.

Unfortunately, life's not that simple, and when I arrived home at one-fifteen, I found myself face-to-face with a moderately-upset mother.

"Mom! I, uh," I sputtered, frantically trying to vindicate myself.

"Look, just go to bed. I couldn't care less that you stayed a little late at a boy's house. That would be extremely hypocritical of me. I'm just disappointed that you chose to do it on a Tuesday night when you know damn well you have school tomorrow."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you! Goodnight, Mom." I said.

"Goodnight, Ophelia. Now go! You're gonna be exhausted in the morning!"


I slipped on my boots and grabbed my jacket, tossing it hurriedly over my shoulders. It was the second day of school, and I'm already late. That's what I get for staying up late watching movies! Mom was right. Anyways, Mom had taken the car for an appointment, which meant I had to walk. I really need to get a new job and save money to buy my own car.

I walked at a brisk pace toward Pencey, as I plugged in my headphones. If I could walk twice as fast as I usually do, I'll only be five minutes late to my first class.

I speed-walked into the school and to my locker. After unlocking my locker, I sloppily threw my jacket inside and closed the door, not even stopping to look inside.

"Hey—fuck!" shouted a familiar voice.

I whipped my head around. "Frank?"

"Uh, yeah? Who else could fit in here?" he said, his voice muffled by the leather of my jacket. I rolled my eyes and unlocked it again. He pushed the door open, pulled the coat off of him, and stuck his tongue out.

"Dude, you're gonna make me late!" I said, looking at my watch. 8:09. "I mean—I'm already late, but thanks to you I'm going to walk into class ten minutes after the bell!"

He giggles. "Maybe wake up earlier, Sleeping Beauty."

I groaned. "Don't you have a class to get to, or something?"

"No, I have a study hall first period. Hey, wanna ditch class and hang out with me instead?"

I stared at him blankly.

"OH! Sorry! I meant," he said, stepping out of the locker and doing a dramatic-ass bow. "Would you care to join me on my informal expedition, Your Majesty?"

I laughed, shoving his shoulder with my arm. "Fuck off, Farquaad!"

"HEY! I am not that short! I've got, what, a whole foot on him?"

"Sure, sure—just don't talk like that ever again."

"Obviously not. That was almost disgusting!" He said, pretending to vomit.

I grabbed some art supplies from my locker and shut my locker again. I then walked with His Royal Highness to our secret spot in the school for study hall.

𝑱𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑬𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑰𝑳𝑺 // gerard way x fem!ocWhere stories live. Discover now