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The sound of children's laughter can be heard. It echoed and bounced against the tall interior walls of the grand palace. Two young boys were running together through the long hallways. Both were specifically running to get out of the palace and into the snowy, cold open air of the early winter season.

"Come on, Jihoon hyung! Let's go! Let's go!" A child with chocolate brown hair beckoned his older sibling.

"Alright! But slow down and be careful, Jeongwoo!" Jihoon, the older brother with ash blonde hair, shouted after his younger brother.

They continued running and giggling, passing by occasional guards and servants that they would meet and greet the young royals. The two princes soon reached the open palace doors that led them outside to the wide courtyard.

"Wow." They breathed out together.

Both children marveled in wonder over the blinding yet captivating beauty of their frosty surroundings. The open-air courtyard, which had previously been a lonely gray cement ground floor area, was now draped in a frosty snow-white blanket. Behind the grey clouds, the sun shone its shy rays of light, which made the fallen snow glimmer and glitter in mystic radiance.

"Snow." Jihoon muttered with a smile.

"Let's go! Let's go! I want to play in the snow!" Jeongwoo exclaimed, jumping in excitement and took his older brother's hand in his.

"Wait, let me just..." Jihoon stopped them and fixed the shorter one's hooded cape. He pulled the furry hood up so Jeongwoo would be warm from the cold. He checked his brother's gloves to be sure they would not fall off from his hands and cause him frostbite. "There! Now let's go!" He said this while holding his brother's gloved hand in his as they ran down the frost covered stairs.

"Wow!" Jeongwoo muttered again. He kneeled to the ground and touched the snow with his gloved hands. "Snow is so beautiful, hyung! And so cold!" He giggled in delight.

Jeongwoo scooped some snow into his hands and threw it into the air. The crushed snowflakes flew up above his head, it scattered in the air and fell back down. It didn't fall as gracefully as fresh snowflakes would, but it still made him giggle and marvel at its pale beauty.

"Yes, it is." Jihoon replied with a smile that seemed to be permanently stuck on his face.

"Let's go outside and ask Junghwan to play with us!" Jeongwoo jumped around in the snow, all excited. His stomping and jumping made snow crunching noises, and his small legs sank beneath the thick layer of snow, disappearing from view.

"Okay, we did ask Mom and Dad to play outside. So, let's go!" Jihoon held out his hand for his younger brother to take. Jeongwoo jumped and shouted; he was excited to play with their friend. He took his older brother's hand again, and they merrily walked towards the open palace gates at the far end of the courtyard.

There were two tall guards situated by the gates. They were dressed in winter version uniforms, along with their swords concealed within their silver scabbards. Both noticed the two princes approaching.

"Young princes, to where shall you both be going?" One of the guards first leaned down to bow before he asked.

"We're just going to play in the snow." Jihoon politely replied, looking up at the tall guards.

"Yeah! We want to play! We already asked Mom and Dad." Jeongwoo added, smiling at the guards.

"Okay, please be careful on your way young princes." The guard said with a bow once again and waved at them.

Jihoon and Jeongwoo waved back with a smile.

They passed the gates and walked over the stoned bridge that connected the castle island towards the larger mass of land that accommodated the thousand subjects of the royal family. The two princes were now going into the village of Busan (Iksan? or should I still write it as Arendelle? Please comment ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ). On their way there, the occasional villagers they would pass by would bow and greet them in respect then went on with their days. The two, of course, would reply back politely.

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