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Jihoon cried harder as Jeongwoo's skin felt colder and colder. He hugged his brother closer to provide him as much needed warmth. But with his emotions going absolute haywire, it started to heavily affect his surroundings. The floor he continued to touch formed thicker and much colder ice beneath him. The ice spread to the walls that it reached the ceiling, even the crystal chandelier and encased everything. The ballroom turned into a cold ice prison. The surroundings became difficult to make out, blurred by the frosty fog that hung in the air.

"Don't worry Jeongwoo. I'm here." Jihoon sniffled as he lifted up his brother to help him sit.

The tall ballroom doors moved and were soon pushed open with loud cracks. The icicles that coated its surface flew off the hindges and from behind the doors were the King and Queen, their father and mother. The two had already heard their loud laughter and screams from all their playing. So, they let their children be. However, they did not expect to hear any desperate cries for help. The mother and father quickly ran back over to assess the situation. When they got in, their eyes took in the sight of the literally ice cold room. They spotted their sons, with Jihoon still mournfully holding onto Jeongwoo's unconscious body.

"Jihoon!? This is getting out of hand." Their father scolded him seeing how nothing inside the room was left untouched by ice or snow.

And then their eyes fell on the tears of their son along with the unmoving body of their youngest being held by their firstborn.

"Jihoon, what have you done?" Their father asked in horror as they ran over to their sons. The cold temperature bit his skin and he almost slipped against the icy floor along with his wife.

"It was an accident." Jihoon answered while crying. The look of regret and guilt was plain on his face.

They said nothing more. They believed him because they knew that whatever happened Jihoon had not meant for anything bad to happen to his younger brother. The two were very close and would protect each other no matter what.

Seeing how Jeongwoo was unconscious, their mother quickly took Jeongwoo into her own arms. She held him close and became panic stricken upon coming into contact with his cold body. She placed a hand Jeongwoo's white cheeks, and then his forehead. Her eyes showing fear and worry.

"He's ice cold." Their mother put out, she looked at her husband not knowing what to do. She was scared over what would happen to Jeongwoo if he remained in this kind of state.

"I know where we need to go." Their father announced. "Quickly, go to the stables. Get on to the horses and wait for me while I get the map from my study." He instructed them.

Their mother only nodded in response as she hurriedly carried Jeongwoo away with her. She ran as if her life depended on it.

"Jihoon, go with your mother. I'll be right with you." Their father added.

Jihoon could only nod in response too. He ran after his mother and brother. Their father ran to his study room and immediately skimmed through his bookshelves. He was looking for a particular book he had started reading after finding out about Jihoon's magical abilities. The book he was looking for was thick and contained of images that revealed magical creatures and magical writings. He flipped through the pages trying to find one certain page and there he found it. An image of trolls doing some kind of healing ritual upon a human body. Also, tucked between its pages fell out a map with the location of where they can be found.

Their father picked it up from the floor and hurried to the stables where his sons and wife were waiting. Jeongwoo was now wrapped in a blanket, still in his mother's arms. Jihoon waited anxiously full of worry for his brother.

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