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Jeongwoo was still looking around for rocks and didn't notice the long snowy slope way down that would lead him to fall. He fell with a surprised shriek. He fell rolling over and soon stopped to be met with an icy ground instead of snow. The young prince stood up. He looked around and realized he lost the sticks he collected from his fall.

"Where am I?" Jeongwoo asked himself.

He looked around. He then kneeled to observe why he was now standing on something else that wasn't snow. He held it against his tiny palm and felt how much colder the surface felt.

"It's ice." Jeongwoo commented.

The ice looked blue but also white opaque. He stepped back up and carelessly walked around, then he slipped. He fell on his butt with a thump. His fall caused a crack in the white area ice but he did not notice it yet.

"Ow!" Jeongwoo cried out.

He stood up again and tried to walk again but the ice was too slippery. The shoes he was wearing wasn't made for the slippery ice so it was a challenge for him to get around.

"Stop!" A voice came bellowing from somewhere he couldn't see yet.

Jeongwoo looked around, trying to find the source.

"Stop moving!" The voice ordered him once again.

Jeongwoo turned to his right and finally saw the owner of the voice. It was a boy. He was adorned with thick winter clothes all over his body. The only thing left exposed of him was his fair skinned face and some strands of his ebony black hair peeking out his furry winter hat.

"Who are you?" Jeongwoo questioned. He tried to get up again to get closer to the child.

"I said stop moving you idiot!" The other boy stressed.

"Hey! You're mean! I'm not an idiot!" Jeongwoo snapped back.

"Then stop moving!" The boy shouted. He looked around his surroundings, trying to find something in a hurry.

"Why should I listen to you?" Jeongwoo narrowed his eyes. "You're a stranger and my mom and my dad and my hyung said to never talk to strangers." He added, crossing his arms in defiance.

"Well, stranger, whoever you are, I'm trying to help you. You are right now standing on a frozen lake and the ice is thin where you are standing. So, stop moving around if you don't want the ice to break and drown you in cold water." The boy hissed at Jeongwoo.

He went back to wandering around the area and then finally found what he was looking for - a long thick stick or branch that he can use to use for the idiot boy that is on the thin lake ice. He plans on getting down to the frozen lake as well. He will be stepping on the thicker parts of the ice and have the boy hold onto the other end of the stick so he can pull him away from the danger of the thin ice.

"Geez, why are you so mean." Jeongwoo placed his hands on his hips and stomped his foot annoyed. The action caused the ice beneath cracked more, and yet he still remained ignorant of his uncomical situation.

"I'm not being mean. I'm being realistic." The boy replied while rolling his eyes.

He walked over, trying carefully to get himself safely down, unlike how Jeongwoo unceremoniously fell a while ago. The boy landed safely on the ice and he was smart enough to land on the ice that appeared a clear blue color, which means the ice was thick there. He put his eyes back onto the idiot child and approached him with careful steps.

"Here, grab the other end and I will pull you away from there." The boy instructed as he held out the long branch.

His voice sounding more like an order than a request, that went unnoticed by Jeongwoo.

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