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The two went back in using the secret door and then climbed back up through the makeshift rope. Once the two brothers were back in their bedroom, Jihoon pulled up all the fabric to dismantle it and return them to their respective places. The older prince kept quiet as he moved. His hands were slowly and steadily trembling working through the material.

"We should tell Mom and Dad, hyung!" Jeongwoo's giddy voice cut through the silent atmosphere.

Jihoon's shoulders went tense, he was just starting to untangle the first sloppy knot Jeongwoo had done.

"T—tell them what?" Jihoon answered pretending to not know what his brother was referring too.

"Tell them that you have powers Jihoon hyung! Ice powers!! I'm sure they'd love to know about you having powers!" Jeongwoo jumped around their room all excited. It was as if it was he himself who just discovered he was magical.

Jihoon looked at him like he didn't believe him. His thoughts were running with doubts, anxiety and worry.

"No. Jeongwoo, we shouldn't tell Mom and Dad." Jihoon went to him, holding the younger by the shoulders to capture his full attention.

"Huh? But why? You're magical hyung! You have a gift!! They should know what you're capable of!" Jeongwoo broke free from his hold, not really seeing why the powers should be kept secret.

"Jeongwoo, listen to me!" Jihoon kept his voice to the minimum level of volume. If he screamed out loud, the guards and even maids nearby might barge in thinking they are in trouble.

"Don't be so nervous, hyung. We're just gonna show Mom and Dad that you can control snow and ice!" Jeongwoo said nonchalantly.

"Jeongwoo, you don't understand. They...they might hate me. Me and what happened back there, that was probably all just a coincidence." Jihoon tried to reason. He wasn't sure if he was trying to convince his brother or himself.

"Coincidence? That wasn't a coincidence at all! I saw it with my own eyes! Your hand went like this and then the snow went up all like this and as I was falling I fell into the snow hill you made for me! I saw the sparkles Hyung! You're magical! You have snow magic! Wait! You also have ice magic! Like when we were back at the frozen lake when you saved me and Haruto!" Jeongwoo rambled while making gestures each time he wanted to emphasize something.

"Wait! Jeongwoo, stop talking. What?" Jihoon was asking his brother to repeat, pertaining to the part he mentioned back at the lake in the forest.

"It's true! That's when I first saw you use your magic. But you ignored me and didn't listen to me." Jeongwoo crossed his arms. "When you stepped into the ice you made it stronger. That's why you didn't fell in like me and Haruto." He added.

Jihoon said nothing more as he stepped back slowly. Everything just felt too surreal to him at the moment. The idea or even reality that he could be...that he could be like this...made it hard for him to grasp it all into his head. The back of his legs soon hit the bed and with that he let himself sit down to process everything. He felt dizzy.

Jeongwoo finally took notice of his silence and the gloomy expression that painted over his brother's face.

"Hyung?" Jeongwoo called out to his brother.

Jihoon didn't respond, too deep in his thoughts.

A dreaded feeling settled on his chest. Jihoon wandered whether he was going to tell his parents or not. Should he or should he not? But it can't be true? He can't be really able to do magic with ice or snow. Jihoon carefully looked at his hands. They were pale and slightly pink at the tips. He observed his hands carefully, trying to imagine and understand how his own hands were even capable of such magic. The fear started to crawl up further in his veins. He placed his hands out of sight, to which they fell beside him on the bed. His naked hands touched the mattress and quickly, frost started to cover a portion of the area he was touching.

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