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"No, Jeongwoo." Jihoon refused his brother for probably the twenty seventh time today.

It was now a late afternoon. The sky was a rich cobalt blue tinted with golden orange specs from here and there as the sun sets behind the mountains. The two young princes were in the palace library. Jihoon was reading a book he took great interest in. The book was thick with a red leather bound hardcover, designed with gold embellishments on its rectangular surface. Even its spine was decorated with the shiny gold. Jihoon had been trying his hardest to read a certain page for the past thirty minutes but Jeongwoo kept pleading for Jihoon to come along with him and play outside in the snow again.

"Please hyung." Jeongwoo pleaded again, making the cutest puppy eyes he could muster for his brother.

Jihoon sighed, avoiding his brother's face. He knew he shouldn't look or else he'd be easily swayed by those adorable eyes.

"Jeongwoo I told you already, my answer is 'no'. N-O. No." Jihoon enunciated.

"But whyyyyyy??" Jeongwoo whined out loud.

"Because you're still not well. You caught a cold because you dropped into freezing water. And I don't want Mom and Dad to be mad at me again for letting you run off under my watch. Besides we aren't allowed to go out and play in the snow for a while. Mom and Dad's orders." Jihoon reminded him. "Even if you try to go out without me, the palace staff won't allow it as I'm sure Mom and Dad informed them." He finished and stuck his nose back in the book.

Jeongwoo crossed his arms. He was mad and frustrated that Jihoon would not yield to his requests. The rationality of his brother's words of reason fell on deaf ears to him. Jeongwoo did not see the point of it. As a young child, what mattered most is only happiness, fun and joy. It was annoying whenever the adults or older ones denied your pleas, requests and your fun, especially even after using your cuteness and then still failing. Jeongwoo glared at Jihoon harder. He hoped this last resort would get his brother to agree. But Jihoon was intent on avoiding eye contact with him by trying to read the same page he had been stuck on since Jeongwoo came to him.

Jeongwoo sighed seeing there's nothing else he could do. He turned away and stomped his way out of the library.

"Stupid Jihoon hyung, I just want to have some fun in the snow. It's not my fault I fell in the cold water." Jeongwoo muttered to himself.

He stopped by a large arch glass window that was blurred in white due to the gathered snow and frost on it. He was drawn in again by the white scenery of wintery wonder that awaited him outside. Jeongwoo walked to the glass window and pressed his face close to it to look outside. The glass felt cold and fogged up due to his warm breath. He giggled and wiped the fog to look again, he was careful to not fog up the glass again. When he glanced outside, he could see the external surroundings was adorned by falling snowflakes. It was snowing.

"Woww..." Jeongwoo voiced out his amazement.

The look of wonder on his face turned sad as he could not relish the falling snow. Then, his sad face shifted into one of determination. A seed of rebelliousness was planted in young Jeongwoo's head and he got the idea of sneaking out to play by himself instead. He came to a conclusion that he doesn't need his older brother, he is old enough to go outside to play and take care of himself.

"If you won't come to play with me hyung, then I'll play in the snow all by myself." Jeongwoo muttered to himself.

He stepped back from the window and with a dogged smile, he ran down the halls with these purposeful thoughts in mind.


As the younger brother disappeared away from sight, with his loud footsteps becoming fainter in volume with each step, Jihoon could finally concentrate on what he was reading. He read through paragraph after paragraph, and flipped through page after page. He kept reading for a while until he read a part in the book about younger siblings. Jihoon remembered Jeongwoo and it made him finally put the book away from his face. He sighed feeling worn out.

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