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Quick note: Jihoon's hair in this story is like his silver grey hair right now. ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

"Are we there yet?"


A few seconds of silence between the two passed by. The salty wind of the sea breeze blew on their faces. The loud splashes of the waves filled their peaceful atmosphere along with the occasional noises the ship made. The younger boy looked at the older boy. He faced back towards salty waters and pouted as there was nothing interesting to look at but dull waters and thick fog. He tapped his finger on the wooden railing and placed his chin on his open palm. He then sighed and looked at the older boy again. He couldn't hold back his mouth.

"Are we there yet?" He asked.

"No." The older one replied slowly becoming annoyed.

The younger boy returned to looking at the sea. Ten seconds ticked by. The younger child looked at the older again.

"Are we there yet, Junkyu hyung?"

Junkyu, the older one, groaned and smacked his head against the ship's wooden railing.

"Doyoung, for the last time! We are not-" Junkyu got interrupted by the sound of loud bells ringing.

The two children looked over to the source of the sound. A man screamed from somewhere on the ship and announced that they have arrived at their destination. Junkyu and Doyoung ran over and stood close to the bow of the ship. The fog slowly drifted away from obscuring their view and they entered into the waters of Busan. They watched in awe as the sight of the kingdom came into view. The tall structures of the palace became visible from afar.

"Oh, I guess we are here now. That's the kingdom of Busan, Doyoung." Junkyu said as he pointed at the land.

Doyoung jumped and squealed excited.

"Yes! Yes! We're finally here! I can't wait to play with Jihoon hyung and Jeongwoo again!" Doyoung cheered. "Last time they came to our kingdom now it's our turn to come theirs! Is their castle big too? Do they have chocolate in Busan?"

"Yes, yes. Hold your horses. Do you want to fall into the water?" Junkyu scolded his over energetic cousin.

Their ship soon reached the docks. The crew of the ship started going around and making preparations. Junkyu held Doyoung close to him. They soon heard their names being called.

"Junkyu! Doyoung!" It was a woman's voice.

"Doyoung, come with me. My mother is calling us." Junkyu explained.

Doyoung obeyed as he followed the older through the ship's crew that started to lift and carry stuff from the ship as they brought it down to the deck. They soon spotted Junkyu's mother in her beautiful blue dress, wearing her glittering crown. Beside her was a man whom was Junkyu's father dressed in dark blue colors. There was also Doyoung's mother dressed in a lighter blue color, adorned with an elegant blue silk ribbon tying her hair up.

"Mom!" Junkyu called out to his mother.

"Junkyu! Doyoung! Come here. We're here now in Busan." Junkyu's mother said to them.

"Yes, Mom I know. I've been here before." Junkyu said.

"But your cousin Doyoung hasn't." Junkyu's mother replied with a chuckle, seeing the younger boy looking more interested at the kingdom than their conversation.

"Now remember to behave you two." Doyoung's mother reminded them.

The adults said more stuff to them and reminded the two young children of their manners. They also reminded them of some rules they have to follow along with other things they needed to be mindful while being in Busan. Once the Kims conversation finished, they finally disembarked from the ship and stepped onto the docks.

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