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The day went by fast. Mom was at work. I didn't have a father because he was dead, so no one was in the house. Just me and my laptop. I put on Death Note and got to the part where L died. I cried. L was my favourite character and he was dead. My crying fit was put to a halt as I got a FaceTime call from my little ginger friend Lilian. I hit answer and her face popped up on the screen.

"He- whoa. What happened to you?" She asked noticing my blotchy face and box of tissues in the background.

"L died." I croaked.

"Death Note?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah." My voice cracked.

"I understand now. So how did the audition go?" She was brushing her hair back into a ponytail.

"Met Jensen. Might make it to second audition in Vancouver." I wiped my eyes.

"That's great!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know if I'll be able to make it there. It's a plane ticket away. Moms broke." I slammed my face down on the desk.

"Maybe Dan and I can help out? I mean, you have Haley, Anna, and Kristie too. Kristies a full grown ad-"

"I'm not relying on you guys. Plus you know Kristie has a whole entire farm, and family to feed. I don't even know if I'm going to make it for sure." I cut her off. I don't like relying on others for money other then my mother.

Lilian sighed and nodded in agreement. "Good point. But if you do make it, I will make sure you make it to Vancouver."

I flung backwards on my bed abandoning my laptop and looked back at my phone to Lilian. "I don't even know how I'm going to live over there. I mean, I really want to be on the show, but where would I stay?" I complained.

"Maybe they'll provide a space for you to live in until you're eighteen." Yes people, I'm seventeen, and I don't have a drivers license, or a car for that matter.


The rest of the week went by pretty fast. I was sitting down in my living room watching Sponge Bob when the phone rang. "Mom! It's your turn!" I shouted to the other room.

"I know!" She shouted back like a teenager. I was texting Kristie, my other friend. She was thirty two and was probably my bestest friend- if bestest is even a word. I usually spent my weekends at her farm working with my white pony Magoo, but I decided to stay home this weekend instead for a bit of a break. I heard my mother mumbling on the phone with someone. "It's for you!" She shouted again.

I picked up the portable beside me. "You can hang up mom!" As soon as I said that I heard the click. "Hi, this is Emily speaking." I said after swallowing a marshmallow.

"Hi, Emily. This is the head casting director for Supernatural speaking. I'd just like to let you know that you've made it to the final audition for Ariana Winchester."

I nearly squealed. This shouldn't have come as a surprise to me, but it did. "I did?!"

"Yes. Your next audition date is next Friday at three." He started listing off the little details. "And a hotel room will be provided for you." He added. Thank the lord!

"Sweet! Well I'll see you then!" I said joyfully. We both hung up. "Mom!" I screeched running into her room.

"I got into the second audition!" I held up his number excited.

My mom looked at me with a frown. "How will you afford it? You're not getting paid much with the Petting Zoo and I'm struggling for us to get some spare cash to pay for your new uniform pieces. Seventy five dollars for a new kilt and forty for a new pair of pants all because you can't stay one length." The frown traveled to my face remembering Lilian and my conversation about money and Vancouver.

"Oh yeah." I mumbled. Tears were pricking my eyes a bit but I didn't dare let them loose. It would make no sense to cry. Crying does nothing to help the situation.

I slowly walked up to my room, disappointed with life. It was nearly seven hundred dollars for a plane ticket and the audition was in five days. I'd need the money fast. Just then my phone buzzed. It was a unknown number. I picked up thinking it would be a telemarketer. "Hello?" I asked a bit pissed with life.

"Hey, Emily?" A familiar male voice sounded into the phone.

"Jensen?" I could recognize that angel voice anywhere. "How the hell did you get my number?" I asked a little curious.

I heard him laugh lightly on the other end. "I took your phone when we were taking pictures, remember?"

I went back in time mentally and remembered he took my phone for a second to take a few pictures of him and Dan. "Oh. Okay then." I said putting the pieces together in my mind on how he must've gotten my number.

"I heard you made the audition. You have your plane ticket right?" He asked.

"Uhm, no. I need a way to find money." I replied uneasily.

"I can pay." He blurted.

"No, I need to find this on my own." I stated.

There was a moment of silence and Jensen sighed. "Maybe try a bake sale at your school or something? Do you have a church? This would be much easier if you'd just let me-"

"No one is paying for me other then my mother or myself. An a bake sale is brilliant." I cut him off. I really got to stop doing that.

I walked over and sat on my bed and stared up at my white ceiling with the phone on speaker so I didn't have to hold it up to my ear. I rolled my body over and shoved my face into a pillow. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." Another pause of silence. "So why did you bother getting my number anyways?"

"Because your the best role for Ariana I've acted with yet. I also would like to give you heads up that Jared and I will be there to help them cast." Jensen yawned.

"Tired much?"

"I just got home today. Of course I'm tired. You try going across Canada in two weeks." Just another friendly reminder to myself that one out of the twenty girls from across Canada that were picked for the role of Ariana will make it to actually be Ariana.

"Good point. Anyways, I have a few friends to phone and a vice principal to call." I said signalling that the phone call is to be finished.

"Okay, we'll see you soon kiddo." Kiddo. Did he seriously just call me, a person he barley knew kiddo? Well then.

"See ya oldie." I said and hung up stretching. I stared at the wall on my stomach. How was I to convince mr R to have a bake sale-- better yet, student council?

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