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This was it. Audition day. The finals.

I was seated in a white waiting room with comfy couches and etcetera spread around. The secretary was tapping away on her computer while I scanned the other girls. They all were stunning. There was this one girl who looked at least fifteen and had black hair. Her blue eyes trailed my body and she looked like she were to cry. I flashed her a tiny smile and she cowered back into the seat even further.

I got glares from some of the girls in the room. There was ten of us including myself cramped into a tiny waiting room. The girl on the couch beside me was playing on her DS.

"What game?" I asked trying to make conversation but only received a dirty glare. Eesh, tough crowd.

Soon enough the waiting room was empty other then for myself. My last name started with a W, so it was quite understandable for me to be last in everything.

"You're up." The man said. I nodded and stood. I wore black skinny jeans, combat boots, a black tank top, an a back and red plaid top over that. I took a deep breath and remembered the lines I spent time on to remember. I walked in and was greeted by a hug from Jensen and Jared.

"You all know each other?" She asked.

"Jensen an I met the first audition and became friends." I smiled up at the tall guys.

"Okay. Well let's see what you got." She placed her glasses back on her face, "whenever you're ready."


The scene ended and there was a slow clap from the table. "Just like the first audition." The lady spoke. "Perfection."

"You three obviously work well together." The man to her left said. "We'll give you a call if you've made the cut, by Monday." He cleared his throat and shuffled a few papers. "And you'll most likely be getting the call."

I smiled brightly and giggled. "I'll see you guys in an hour for coffee?" I asked them.

The boys nodded and I exited feeling confident with my audition. An hour went by of sitting in my hotel room watching SpongeBob. I got to the part where Squidward ate his first crabby patty, and there was a knock at the door.

"Come in! It's unlocked!" I shouted. The door opened to reveal two tall guys.

"Hey." Jensen said shutting the door.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I chuckled and grabbed some more chips. Jensen flopped beside me as well as Jared. The floral patterned couch creaked underneath the extra weight applied. They looked at the tv and shook their heads.

"Sponge Bob?" Jared scoffed.

"Yeah. Got an issue?" I asked offering chips. Jared accepted and Jensen denied.

"No! I mean, my kids always watch this."

"Don't judge me Padaleki." I pointed a finger at him followed by a death stare. We broke out into giggles.

"You two have known each other for only 24 hours and are acting as if you'd known each other for years." Jensen laughed.

"Probably because I'd known you guys for years." Shit. Emily you stupid prat. Now they're gonna think you're crazy.

"True. It's actually kind of crazy to think that millions of people know who we are but we only know a little amount of them." Jared drifted off into whatever la la land was in his mind. Jensen nodded and so did I. They only knew the fans who had enough cash to get to events. It really upset me on how I wanted to meet them last year in Toronto but it was going to be more than $100 in gas, $150 for a hotel, and the tickets were anything from $120. I'm not rich. I have money, but not as much as the average family. I'm living on ten dollars per petting zoo event with Kristie, and whatever I get of my moms pension. My baby bonus is almost done because I'm seventeen and plus that's going towards keeping the house and we sure as hell weren't going on welfare. In case you hadn't noticed, we are very independent.

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