A Call To Arms

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(Gibbs is online.)

(Borin is online.)

(DiNozzo is online.)

(Ziva is online.)

(Abby is online.)

(McGee is online.)

(Ducky is online.)

Gibbs: . . . wow.

Borin: I know.

DiNozzo: How the hell did Hill end up working for Stark?!

McGee: I think she applied for a job.

DiNozzo: No, really, McObvious?

Abby: Better than having nowhere to go, Tony.

Ducky: And I do believe Miss Hill would have the best attitude to match Mr. Stark's.

Ziva: I still do not understand how many could think of SHIELD as terrorists.

Borin: HYDRA attacked the UN in broad daylight, and in SHIELD gear.

DiNozzo: . . . what the hell?

Gibbs: Vance sent me that report. Didn't they get a new team member, too?

Borin: Two of them. A Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse.

Ziva: I've heard of Bobbi. Mockingbird, yes?

Borin: Hell if I know.

(Maria is online.)

(Stark is online.)

(Bruce is online.)

Stark: We've got a problem.

DiNozzo: What happened to JARVIS?

Stark: . . . nothing.

DiNozzo: Then what's wrong?

Bruce: Loki lost his scepter.

Gibbs: What?

(Thor is online.)

(Steve is online.)

(Nat is online.)

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