The New Agents

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(Maria is online.)

Maria: Bad ass agents, get on here now!

(Clint is online.)

(Nat is online.)

(Jane is online.)

Jane: I assume SHIELD only?

Maria: Yes. SHIELD only.

Clint: What's this about?

Maria: Our team has competition.

Nat: Course we do. NCIS's is freaking boss!

Maria: No . . . in SHIELD. Coulson's.


Nat: He's DEAD!

Jane: Thor told me all about that, Loki killed him!

Maria: Yeah, I know. He's still alive. But look, he's got five others working for him now, and he's asking for our help.

Nat: Great. So who's doing what?

Maria: Jane, you're working with Agents Fitz and Simmons. FitzSimmons if you want it easier.

Jane: Er . . .

Maria: One's a rocket scientist, and the other has PHDs in . . . I'm not gonna even say.

Jane: On my way!

(Jane has logged out.)

Maria: I've got a meeting with Coulson and Agent Melinda May. Clint, Agent Grant Ward's been talking about how good his aim is.

Clint: Oh, really?

Maria: Uh huh.

Clint: Scuze me while I go show him who's boss at shooting.

(Clint has logged off.)

Nat: And me?

Maria: We've got a rookie with attitude that Agent Ward's complaining about.

Nat: And I'm training her?

Maria: Let's see . . . ah, yes, Fury's speed dial -

Nat: I'm gone!

(Nat has logged off.)

(Maria has logged off.)

(The Avengers have turned off invisibility.)

(NCIS has turned off invisibility.)

Stark: WHAT.

Steve: THE.

Bruce: HELL.

Abby: So I'm guessing Coulson's someone you knew.

Borin: Gee, you think?

Thor: Uh huh.

Loki: And I killed him. So we thought.

Ziva: Ouch.

Gibbs: That's weird.

DiNozzo: And now he's leading a team.

McGee: Ditched.

Ducky: No comment.

Stark: Call it, Captain.


(Nat has logged on.)

Nat: Aw, come on!

(Clint has logged on.)

Clint: I didn't even get to the sniper rifles yet!

Gibbs: Sniper rifles?

Borin: Damn you, Barton.

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