Chapter 3: Piecing it Together

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Jesse's POV

"Jesse! Jesse! She's awake!" I heard a voice shout into my ear. "No, I don't want more pumpkin pie. Though lemon meringue would be nice." I mumbled, still in a dream state of mind. "Jesse!" The voice said again, and I opened my eyes. "Oh, good morning, Lukas!" I said as I recognized the face in front of me. "Lemon meringue pie, huh?" Lukas chuckled. "You fell asleep on a bench in the clinic, but the woman we helped, her name is Lindy, and she's awake now!" He continued. "Also, it's not morning, it's two in the afternoon." He corrected me. "Ok, ok, I get it." I huffed in annoyance as I walked over to the hospital beds, looking for the lady we helped. I spotted her and made my way towards her bedside with Lukas, talking on the way. Ivor and Petra were already there, and the cow I had learned was named Larry. "Hey, how's she doing?" I asked. "Whatever gave her these injuries was an extremely powerful force." Ivor stated, not answering my question. "She's getting better though." Petra added on. "You! I recognize you! Jesse, right? You were the one who I was talking to in the forest? What is going on here?" Lindy questioned me. "I don't have any more information than you do, all I know is that there are injured people that come from the forest into Beacontown. We're trying to help as many as we can." I explained as I gestured to the hospital beds next to her. She glanced over to them, and I saw a flash of recognition dance in her eyes. "Nelina! Null!" She exclaimed. The one closest to her, Nelina I assume, was a girl with green eyes and light brown hair. She was almost ready to be discharged from the clinic, so instead of a hospital gown, she wore a blue polka dot shirt, with puffed sleeves and a knee length pink skirt, along with bright yellow flats, to match her yellow hair clip. Like Lindy's skin, her skinned had also been tanned from the sun. Wherever these people came from must have been sunny. One bed over from Nelina's was Null, I guess. Null, also not wearing a hospital gown, was in a grey long-sleeved shirt, wearing a simple pair of jeans and sneakers. Null's skin was the tannest of the three of them, and he had greenish-greyish eyes and dark brown, almost black hair. "Lindy!" The two shouted happily at the same time. "You all know each other?" Lukas questioned. "Yes, we're friends!" Nelina said happily. "Guys! Do you know what happened? I forgot all about you two until I saw your faces!" Lindy asked. They shook their heads. "We don't know anything more than you. All the sudden we just arrived in the forest not knowing a thing. We forgot about you as well, until you called our names. Now that I remember, I'm glad to see you and Larry are OK." Nelina explained. "Yeah, this is so weird!" Null huffed. "Guys, I don't know what is going on, but I promise we will try to help you, all of you." I stated firmly. "Thank you, Jesse." Lindy told me. "No problemo." I replied.

Petra's POV

"Yeah, we are gonna try to help you, but I have to ask, do you seriously really not remember anything?" I questioned Lindy. "Well, when I see something that reminds me of home, wherever or whatever that may be, I seem to get flashes of memories. Like when I saw Nelina and Null, I recognized them. They, along with Larry, are my best friends. But I had no idea they even existed before I saw their faces." She sighed. "Do remember anything about where you're from yet?" I asked. "Well, not remember-remember, but I had a dream, if that helps. I don't know if it's true or not, because it was only a dream, but I'll tell you anyways. So, I was in a sandstone city. I saw blood everywhere, and I heard screams. I knew I was being hunted, but I don't know who was hunting me. I hid behind a building, and then I heard a boom, and I fell down, and... that's all I can remember." I said. I thought about what she had said for a second. This could be an important clue. "It sounds like you got hit by some TNT!" Axel, who was standing nearby, chimed in. "It would make sense; your injuries are so severe that a direct impact with TNT would explain it. This dream could help us discover what happened. Maybe your mind still has the memories, like how you remembered Nelina and Null, but you don't realize it yet?" I wondered out loud. "Ivor, you've been pretty quiet, do you have any insights?" I asked. Ivor was standing there stroking his beard, looking like he was in deep thought. "Well, it is possible, and it has happened before. The subconscious may have memories of what happened, even though the conscious mind may not realize it. It may just take the form of a dream. It happened to Gabriel, when he had amnesia from wither sickness, at least that is what Magnus told me. He had dreams about his past even though he didn't remember, he had dreams about the ender dragon, the command block, everything. Using dreams, we might be able to piece together what happened to these people." Ivor theorized. "I think I have something that might help." Nelina suddenly said. 

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