Chapter 5: How it Began

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Radar's POV


It all started like a completely normal day! As the new Hero in Residence, I was in my office doing paper work. I pushed back my office chair and let out a sigh. I missed Jesse. I missed all of the Order members in fact. They used to have an unbreakable bond! I remember hearing Jesse say to her friends "Until the world needs saving again." I hope they don't see each other again! Wait, no, I hope they see each other, but it isn't because the world as we know it is ending. I can't believe everyone is just gone. I realize I had gotten side tracked. "Jesse believed in me to run this town, and I will do just that!" I thought as a filled out more papers. "Radar?" I heard a voice softly call into my office. "Yes, Binta?" I replied. Binta was my new assistant, and she helps run the town. "Well, Wanda and Hilda were out in the forest trying to find resources, and they stumbled upon a few people. They were injured and they had no memory. They've been transported to the clinic." Binta explained. I furrowed my eyebrows. Injured people? In the forest? With no memory?! "This could turn into a catastrophe!" I shrieked in panic. "Well, there is only three of them, and they seem to be from the same place. We can hope it doesn't happen again. I can send out patrols in the forest to keep an eye out and to search for any more, if you would like." Binta said. "Ok, send out the patrols. I have a feeling that this is not an isolated incident. And tell them to be careful, we don't know what caused this." I sighed. As I was about to continue signing papers, the door burst open once again. "Binta!" Cam yelled. "Binta, I was just by the pond going fishing in the forest, and all of the sudden, this bright light came, and then there were just people! Injured people! Confused people!" Cam said as she gasped for breath. Binta and I exchanged a worried glance. This wasn't the last of it.

Still in flash back

Jesse's POV

"Petra, are you sure this is right?" I asked as we walked through the scorching desert, with no end in sight. "I'm sure of it! Well, pretty sure. I mean, maybe not the surest. But the good news is we've gotten to the same land mark as in the map!" She excitedly explained. "And what land mark is that?" I asked. "Sand." She sighed. "Sand?! But there's sand everywhere, isn't there?" I questioned. "Well yes, but based on how long we've been walking, if we weren't walking in the right direction, we would be seeing a mountain by now. We'll get to that temple any" She abruptly went silent. "What are you-?" I silenced as well. I could see the skyline of a mountain ahead of us, its tall peaks towering into the clouds. "Ah crap." I muttered. "Hey now, don't get discouraged, at least we know that this is NOT the direction we should have been going." Petra said. Chirp chirp! "Hey, did you hear that?" Petra asked me. "Yeah, it sounding like a bird, but we're in the middle of a desert." I replied. All the sudden, I saw a parrot flying towards us. "Jesse, that looks like one of those parrots from Beacontown." Petra observed. "Look! It has a note attached to its foot!" I exclaimed as it landed near us. I slowing unwound the ribbon from its foot, revealing a note. "That's- that's Lukas' writing!" I whispered. I read the note. Dear Jesse and Petra, I don't know what is going on in Beacontown, but it is not good. The town is getting overrun by refugees! They are just random people from the forest who are injured and have very few memories of what happened to them! Please get here, and fast. We don't have enough supplies, or people to help them. Axel and Olivia are already here, helping, and Radar, Binta and the others are doing all they can. -Lukas. "This is too weird." I mumbled. "Yeah, what kind of wacko sends a parrot to deliver a letter?!" Petra howled in laughter. "No, I mean about Beacontown!" I sighed. "Oh, uh huh, that's weird too, but the parrot, I mean come on." Petra said. I sighed once again. Beacontown was in trouble. "Come on Jesse, we're going to fix this. A while back, before I made it to town, I set up a base in this mountain. I think I remember where it is, and there's an old minecart track that leads to where the old town was, which is pretty close to Beacontown." Petra explained. 

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