Chapter 6: Taking a Stand

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Back to the Present

Jesse's POV

I remember reading old legends and books back in the treehouse about nations, but I thought they had all died out. I was wrong. They had died out in this world, but they still existed in other worlds. In our world, some nations could be good, but things could quickly escalate out of hand. I knew one thing though. "We have to help them." I firmly stated out loud. "Agreed. Just look at how horribly pathetic they all look!" Ivor piped up loudly, earning uneasy glances from the refugees and a nudge on the arm from Lukas. "Ivor, you do realize they are right here, don't you?" Lukas asked in a hushed tone. "What? I was agreeing with Jesse! This sorry bunch is so pitiful it would be a disgrace not to help them!" Ivor said in a loud voice. This time he got a forceful punch from Petra on the arm. "Ivor! We are trying to raise moral, not lower it! They can hear every word you're saying, and it certainly isn't giving them a confident boost! So, I'd advise you to zip it or you're going to be on one of these hospital beds right there with them!" Petra said furiously. Ivor gulped nervously and nodded. I sighed. Time to get to work to figure out how we do this. "So, if the invaded city is in the other world, the way to get to it is the portal network." I stated as the others nodded in agreement. "But I don't know if you guys ever been to the portal network, but there are hundreds or thousands or infinite portals. They sent us here, so we will never get back home. There are simply too many portals to go through." Lindy sighed, defeated as she recalled the reality of the portal network. A small smile formed on my face as I remembered our adventure through the portal network, Eversource chickens, robot PAMA chickens, giant chickens... Why were there so many chickens? But most important to this case is what it yielded; The Atlas. "You can say we've spent some time in the portal network. Don't worry, we've got it covered." I spoke. Ivor, Lukas and Petra glanced at me and nodded, as they knew what I meant. "So I was thinking, we go back into the portal network, use the Atlas to guide us. When we get there, we can see what we're up against, maybe set up a base, and maybe we could even gain some support from the people in that world." I continued. "Sounds like a plan to me! Time begin a hostile takeover!" Petra hollered. "But we should still be careful. Like Jesse said, we need time to set up a base there and see what we're up against." Lukas stated. "Man! You guys take all the fun of it!" Petra whined. "Yes, I'm with Jesse and Lukas on this one, better be safe than sorry. They may have advanced technology. From what I've seen, I am beginning to believe that their memory loss was the work of a potion, perhaps a splash potion, the way they all have the memory loss." Ivor pointed out. I thought about this for a second. It would make sense. Though, if it is true, it will make this entire ordeal ten times harder. However, it was the only explanation I could think of. "I think Ivor is right. It may be the work of a potion. We need to be extra careful." I cautioned. Lukas and Petra looked on with worry as they thought about what I had said.

Lukas's POV

"So we start gathering our gear and leave first thing tomorrow?" I suggested. "Yeah, I think that is best. We need to regain our energy before we leave to the portals." Jesse added on. This entire potion theory is driving me nuts. A potion that causes memory loss? I shuddered at the thought. If we don't have our memory, just about anything can happen. Then can brainwash us, they can turn us against each other, or they could just throw us into some random portal and we won't remember how to get out. I started to leave the clinic with the rest of the order when a voice stopped us in our tracks. "Wait!" Lindy hollered. "I need to come with you. The region in which our city is located can be difficult to navigate around. Besides, I know all of the ins and outs of the city." Lindy said. "No, Lindy, I am afraid you are too weak now to go anywhere." Olivia firmly stated. "No! I have to be there!" Lindy yelled. "I just have to..." She said in a quieter voice. "Sorry dude, but Olivia's right, you can't go anywhere." Axel chimed in. "No way! I am going and that's that!" Lindy barely managed to say before she broke out into a coughing fit. "Relax Lindy, since I am just about healed, I'll go and help them. No matter what it takes." Nelina vowed. Lindy relaxed her head into the pillow on her bed. "Thank you, Nelina." "Oh, Null, Larry, can I ask you a favor?" Lindy questioned. "Sure, what is it?" Null replied as Larry nodded his head. "Can you two walk with them to the portal hallway, and then come back after they've gone through the portal? I need to know what portal they went through in case of an emergency." She said. "Sure thing!" Null promised as he got up out of the hospital bed, while Larry mooed in agreeance. "Thank you." Lindy gratefully said. I started mentally preparing myself now for the journey and trials we would face tomorrow.

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