11. prisoner of mind

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Chains clang together as she struggle against them.


"Fighting is no use darling." I coo lightly with a mocking tone.

She glares at the darkest part of the cage, where I watch her from.

Snarling in barely contained rage, ruby curls fall against her face.

She lunges forward, again.

"Your persistence is admirable."

"My persistence will be the death of you."

A giggle escapes my lips.

"You have been here for eons, my love."

"Mere chains hold your hands down."

"Mere chains tied to your feet."

"You can go forward but only so far.
And you wish to escape with absolutely no power?"

Retreating from the dark I take bold steps towards her form.

I remove my hood and watch in wicked delight as she freezes in terror.

For she gazes at me and now looks in a mirror.

"Hello, lovely reflection of mine.

Lost to the world, but now are mine."

"You are lost to the world, but locked in your mind.

You say you're okay but will never be fine."

I walk with quiet appraisal.
Her shoulders drop in defeat.
As the words I just said she quietly repeats.

Tracing the shackle that holds her hand I get to the wall behind her

And I'm not sure how to respond when I notice her hair has reverted to its dull nature.

Her whisper is filled with loathing

"I will not kill you, for you have purpose
But I will not let you control me."

She faces me and her calm smile is unnerving.

Before I realise it her face is mere inches from mine.

Free from her chains but I am bound

How did tables turn without sound?

Her hands hold me in place

Snarling in barely contained rage,
ruby curls fall against my face.

And I lunge forward, again.

But she tsks lightly with a knowing smile,

"Hello, precious Fear of mine."


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now