16. poisoned acceptance

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"Hello, precious."

"Come sit with us."

"Are you lonely?"

"Are you scared?"

You should be

"Do you want to be heard?"

"We shall help you speak of how your difference is feared."

And that is how the people,
This is how society,
that raises its fist against society (ironically),
gathers around
the curious sapling.

"You can be different."

As long as you're a generic variation of what we all know.

"You can have interests."

As long as it's something we can all follow.

"We are all different parts."

And you must join the same boat.

Because if you don't, your difference becomes a crime.
Those that whisper acceptance will gladly poison your wine.

And once your story becomes a game of telephone
You will be forced to leave your 'quirks' alone.

the shriveled Rose turned towards the doors
And watched in bittersweet awe
And life draining terror
As Poppy came in
The new Belle of Broken Dreams.

Poppy looks at their preying smiles so cruel
And hears what you were meant to.

"If you don't abide by our Difference Rules
We will break you
And your goody two shoes
Even if it's the last thing we do."


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