18. loopholes I

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Sometimes I fall out of loop
Like a stuttered heartbeat
Like an incomplete pirouette
Like a thought remembered
but not known yet

But I am glad,
Although it makes me sad
that whenever I seek
whenever I ask
paths to keep me aligned fall out
Unfurling like eager blooms.

I think I am blessed
To have such direction
And Someone that cares
Enough to show me the way back

But I think I am cursed
Because I see this path
And I decide to sit at crossroads
Picking at my thoughts
Paralyzed by what?
My Future's wrath?

At times I fall into loops
Of tangled turbulence
And then my heart cries
And my soul yearns to be free

My body?
She betrays me
And wages war
with my dreams

"Move!" I think
she never listens
*I never listen.

"Move!" My soul cries
But my mind is now clouded
And my body paralyzed.

C'est une route dangereux
Ce, Je ne veux pas
Maintenant, Je suis ici.

It is the loop out of loop
Of an off kilter song
It is an eerily static moment
Of brutal disconnect.


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