24. your time is an illusion I

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you have no time

tomorrow is an illusion until it isn't.

Because who told you?

How are you so sure that the air you breathe wouldn't turn against you in your sleep?

What makes you so confident to think that the sun wouldn't fall from gravity's grasp?

You shout 'well time and time again, things have stayed the same!'

Well time and time again, things have suddenly changed.

Wasn't it just a split second that took away the Twin Towers

Didn't we think they'll last a little bit longer?

At least another decade, not to talk of a day.

I will try tomorrow
Today I shall laze.

And laze did she
As the earth buried her breath beneath its wings.

'I shall be better next year'

Why don't you try being better today?

Because you never know what can so drastically change

You never know what thread keeping your life together will suddenly unravel

And you won't know until it's gone.

So don't waste another day pretending like your time has no limit

Because your tomorrow is just an illusion, until it isn't.


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