our morning

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I woke up to the smell of bacon my favorite so I had to get up. I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth I'll take a shower later. I ran downstairs tripping on one stair and almost falling but I caught myself. Once I got downstairs I saw enji cooking and Aizawa sitting in a chair at the table drinking his coffee he loves coffee I do to but not as much as he does. "Hey guys" I said letting them know I was there "hey izu" enji and Aizawa said at the same time I grabbed the coffee left in the coffee machine and sat next to Aizawa leaning my head on his shoulder I was still tired. He pats my head then puts his arm around me till he reaches my back he rubs my back and it soothes me.

 Enji set a plate in front of each of us and grabbing his, we all sat down quietly eating. I break the silence by getting up "I'm going to shower now" I said enji nodded while Aizawa just looked at me which tells me he heard and was paying attention. After taking a shower I put on a nude colored outfit that matched I wanted to go somewhere today and I wanted to look cute. I heard footsteps walking upstairs which tells me that they weren't downstairs anymore. I walked in front of their door and knocked Aizawa opened the door and let me in without saying a word he didn't talk much but him staying this quiet was concerning to me at least "are you ok" I asked me he nodded but I didn't take that answer I didn't know what else to ask him cause I knew he wouldn't answer the question I asked. I just hugged him and he seemed to smile a little and that  made me feel a little better.


Today was me and Enji's friends birthday he had died in an accident long time ago. every time I thought of him it made me sad this day of the year I wouldn't talk as much as I would normally which made me really quiet Enji already knew that and he didn't have to ask but I guess Izu noticed that I was more quiet I didn't answer his question because I didn't want to talk about it I was happy when he didn't ask another question It made me smile on the outside when he gave me a hug 


I stayed hugging Aizawa even after enji came out of the shower "come on let go izu I have to go shower" Aizawa says. that's the most he said today and whatever the reason was for his silence I would be there the whole day with him I can go out tomorrow I want to stay in with Aizawa and enji I let go of Aizawa and enji soon took his place Enji was a little quiet too but it might be the same reason that Aizawa has because I haven't seen any of them ask if each other are ok which most likely means that it's the same reason I hugged Enji to I even lied down on him and hugged him by the waist his waist was small but had muscles I just lied down on him staring at nothing 


I don't know if Izuku knows but he wasn't asking any questions and I know he notices he's a smart kid I lied down on me hugging my waist no one has ever done that other then him and Aizawa but I loved it Aizawa knew that but he only did it when we were alone people think he's just quiet but he was also shy he was just good at hiding it after 30 more minutes Aizawa was out of the shower and into a new pair of clothes.


After Aizawa was out of the shower he Immediately went over to us and we got comfortable with me in the middle I lied down on my back so I wouldn't face just one person I held both of their hands they seemed as if they needed attention today and I was the only person there I wouldn't staying there with them I wanted to go out with them  but they didn't seem in the mood. We all cuddled together Aizawa fell asleep at one time then woke up again it was quiet the whole time and to be honest I wasn't bored or anything I liked the silence but it was getting warm and I was becoming sleepy. 

Ya'll I know know I'm taking so long with these books and it my fault I have just been lazy school be getting the best of me but I'm in dance and were like doing this dance for my grade and some of these people in school don't even like me but I don't even care I have some friends and I don't know how long I will take for the next update but here's something to read for now this chapter most likely wasn't good but I wanted to give ya'll an update cause I know you guys were waiting forever bye and I will se ya'll another time or whatever.

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