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I did not like the nervous system and that's what the entire test was on. How am I supposed to draw a neuron. This is bullying. I'm sure Nana yaw would top the test. It's not even fair. I don't even know what my drawing was , an umbrella or a mushroom?

"I'm coming round for your test papers. Aaron help me from the other end. " The tyrant of ecology and biology commands his faithful servant and together they destroy my hopes of scoring the entire percentage beacause apparently Aaron is stuck at 99%.

I just hoped my diagram would be appreciated.

I was walking alone with Anna when suddenly everything became dark.

Wow, such good news.

It wasn't the comfortable darkness. It reeked of blood and pain. When I could finally see,  I saw my father lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He was still in his Blue dashiki shirt.

I liked that shirt folks.

I watched as the blood retreated into his body. Everything reversed and just like that I saw myself at the balcony of my old room. My other self laughed such a monstrous laughter which forced me to yell. So I yelled.

But no one could hear. I couldn't hear myself.

I felt suddenly cold and the light came back.

My face was wet with sweat and what I came to discover as water. Anna's hand fan reached the crook of my neck as she held it out. My eyes settled on Nana Yaw who was trying to tell me something as I laid on the grass ; where Anna and I were on our way to grab lunch.

"It's alright, we're here." I looked down to see his hand in mine. How did he even get here.

"I thought you were dead till you screamed. Girl you belong to the french soap operas." Anna never failed when it came to sarcasm.

"What happened? Are you feeling okay? Should we send you to the infirmary?" Nana yaw questions while I struggle up.

I sit up rubbing my temples. My head was really giving me some feedback. I wasn't okay. I think it was a migraine I had.

"No, not the infirmary." I say as I finally stand up on my feet. I dust my uniform and and my hair.

"Okay two of my questions are answered. Now what happened?" Nana Yaw looks at me and then back at Anna who was fidgeting to turn the hand fan off. She turns to look at me. That's to say he should ask me.

" Nothing, I probably slipped." I shrug and he looks at me standing akimbo with his lips pursd.

" You slipped that's why you started screaming and she had to call someone to bring water? " It was more of a question.

" Oh....I see. I honestly don't know what happened. I didn't even know I screamed. That must've been torture to you two. I looked hideous right?" I fake laugh and they glare at me with maximum seriousness.

"Seriously, I don't know. This is the first time I've seen anything like this." One may ask," is that true?" No, I've had that night mare for so long. This is just the first time it has occurred in public.

"I hope no one called Steve." I quickly add.

"Nope, not after what happened last week. We didn't even tell Stephen." I nod. They didn't believe me. Okay I wasn't going to tell them I had nightmares about my parents. They'll think I had attachment problems and I'm still greiving or worse I'm insane.

" Thanks. Right now I need to skip class. I can't finish the day like this." I look down at my clothes and back at them.

" Hopefully it helps you to rest even more. I'll drive you guys if you want, I mean we don't want Stephen seeing her." Nana Yaw offers leading the way back into the building. Lunch was almost over. This was my opportunity to leave while the place was buzzing with kids.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝒔Where stories live. Discover now