- c h a p t e r - s e v e n - p.1 -

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 Gemma had to literally drag herself out of bed the next morning.

Normally, she was up before Hermione, but today was not that day.

She came down around the same time as Hermione exclaimed, "You look absolutely — oh for heaven's sake." She spun, her brown eyes flashing as she snapped, "Why did you agree to that?!"

Gemma frowned at her, not in the mood to be accused of things too early on her first day of school, "Agree on what?"

Hermione dragged her over to the common room notice board where the auburn-haired girl read a new large sign in the middle of the announcements:


Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings?

Like to earn a little extra gold?

Contact Fred and George Weasley or Gemma Hilton, Gryffindor common room, for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs


The newly fifteen-year-old sighed and shrugged, "I guess I did..."

Hermione tore the sign down, "They are the limit." She looked at Ron, who was on Gemma's left with Harry and Neville. "We have to talk to them, Ron."

Ron and Gemma looked at one another, and if students didn't know them, they would say the two looked like twins at that moment, making the same alarmed face before the boy asked, "Why?"

"Because we're prefects!" Hermione cried as they all climbed out of the portrait hole. "It's up to us to stop this kind of thing!"

Gemma just sighed as both Harry and Ron stayed quiet.

"Anyway, what's up, Harry?" Hermione changed the subject as if she hadn't just had a mild meltdown, and they travelled down the moving staircases, ignoring the chatting, moving portraits on the wall. "You look really angry about something."

"Seamus reckons Harry's lying about You-Know-Who," Ron replied when Harry didn't.

Gemma furrowed her brows, "Wait, what ha—"

"Yes, Lavender thinks so too," Hermione interrupted as she let out a huff.

Gemma looked at her, "Huh?"

Hermione gave her a look before muttering to herself, "Oh, she was asleep when that happened..."

"Been having a nice little chat with her about whether or not I'm a lying, attention-seeking prat, have you?" Harry suddenly snapped, his voice making Gemma jump.

She whipped her head at Harry, and even though she had definitely fallen asleep before Hermione and Lavender had talked, she shot back at him, "Uhhhh, no. We told her to shut her trap. So I would really appreciate it if you would just calm your britches and stop jumping at me, Ron, and Hermione about everything. We're on your side."

Her voice was harsh, but it got her point across as he dropped his gaze and said lowly, "Sorry..."

Yeah, you should be... Gemma thought to herself.

"That's quite all right," Hermione reassured him before shaking her head, "Don't you remember what Dumbledore said at the end-of-term feast last year?" When the boys just stared at her blankly, she continued, "About You-Know-Who. He said, 'His gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust —'"

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