- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-s e v e n -

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 It was finally time for O.W.L.s.

Ron's euphoria had finally faded–but he was still salty that Hermione and Harry hadn't seen any of the game because of what had happened with Hagrid and Grawp–his giant half-brother.

And Gemma kinda missed sitting and listening to Ron talk about the thrill of it–especially the part where Ginny had caught the Snitch right from under Cho's nose.

That was Gemma's favourite part–besides the fact that Ron was now feeling so confident in his Quidditch playing abilities.

And now that Ron had fallen into his studies like every fifth-year at Hogwarts, Gemma had followed along–even though she had been just as deep in her studies before Ron went to the dark side.

She had full confidence that she would pass every O.W.L. without a hitch; she was just worried about the fact that she would have to take two of them on the same day because of her hearing on Thursday during the second week of the exams.

Gemma already knew she was going to crash once she was finished and the hearing was over–she could feel herself fading in her bones.

But not only that, she was not looking forward to waiting till July to know her O.W.L.s results, which was when Professor McGonagall said they would be released.

That sounded like hell.

But, at the moment, she needed to focus on surviving the exams.

Monday was Theory of Charms–and just like every other exam they would have–she performed the writing section in the morning and then the actual demonstration section in the afternoon.

So the weekend was one long study party.

And Gemma–by Sunday–was sleeping at the dinner table.

She had been in such a deep sleep–mentally exhausted–that Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gone and eavesdropped on a whole conversation between the Wicked Bitch of the East and a bunch of the examiners.

Apparently, the examiner, Professor Marchbanks, was a Ministry worker and had admitted that she had been the one to examine Dumbledore himself while he attended Hogwarts. And she had asked Umbridge if anyone had caught him yet–to which the answer was no–and Marchbanks basically said that they were not going to find Dumbledore unless he wanted to be found.

Harry had come and fetched Gemma about ten minutes after the trio had dragged themselves up to the Tower–he managed to use the Map and got himself back to the first floor of Hogwarts without being caught.

She went straight to bed once Harry got her up to the Tower–having bizarre dreams.

She was in the Divination classroom, but Professor Trelawney–not Firenze–was waiting for her at the table.

She moved without wanting to and sat before the seeing crystal ball.

"What do you see?"

Gemma stared at the foggy crystal ball, and without warning, her vision went bright, and she was walking down a dark hall–thousands of crystal balls on either side of her.

Wait...why was she here again?

A hand grabbed hers, and she spun, facing a young boy who looked almost just like his brother–Gemma's godfather.

Regulus Black.

He stared at her solemnly, whispering, "He holds the key."

Gemma's eyes were glued to his young face–only a few years older than herself–and she whispered, "Who?"

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