- c h a p t e r - e i g h t -

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 Gemma, who was exhausted, went about the next day in a fog.

The night before, she had spent most of it laughing at the twins, who had been scolded within an inch of their lives by Hermione about giving their Fainting Fancies to first years and then, at the same time, making sure Harry wasn't a jerk.

She was getting over the attitude; each time he snapped at her or Ron or Hermione, she almost smacked him in the head with her potions notebook.

But when the morning came, and she realised she had detention with Professor Umbridge, she was completely thrown off her groove. That and just about everyone was whispering about her and Harry's row with Umbridge the day before.

Then when all of her teachers started talking about O.W.L.S. again, she really started to panic.

Would she be ready?

Would she fail?

What did she even want to do with her life?

All the questions plagued her, and really the only thing that brought her comfort was Scotch, her Niffler, who had decided to emerge from the nest he had made in her bed and ride along with her for the day.

He sat on her shoulder like a bird, watching everything with glittering eyes, and would sometimes slip into her hood to nap.

But overall, he was the only thing keeping her sane.

Well, that and Care of Magical Creatures class.

They all learned about bowtruckles that day and were asked to sketch one, labelling all the parts. She had gladly zoned out as she watched one hanging from a tree branch by its spindly fingers. And by the end of class, she had a beautifully done sketch of the creature.

After almost getting into a fight with Harry and Hermione about Luna and Cho, Gemma was so glad the day was almost over.

She just wanted to go get Umbridge's detention over with and go to bed.

But first, she wanted food, so to the Great Hall she went with Harry only to be stopped by Angelina, "Oy, Potter! Hilton!"

"What now?" Harry grumbled beside Gemma.

"I'll tell you what now," She poked Harry in the chest harshly, giving Gemma a hard look as well. "How come you've both landed yourself in detention for five o'clock on Friday?"

"What?" Harry asked.

"Bloody hell..." Gemma muttered. "Keeper tryouts..."

"Now he remembers!" Angelina snapped at them. "Didn't I tell you I wanted to do a tryout with the whole team and find someone who fitted in with everyone? Didn't I tell you I'd booked the Quidditch pitch specially? And now you've decided you're not going to be there!" Then she looked at Gemma, "And how am I supposed to start training you to be captain if you can't make it to tryouts?!"

Gemma pinched her lips and avoided looking at Harry, who he hadn't told yet about the Quidditch captain thing.

"I didn't decide not to be there!" Harry shot back at Angelina, his eyes dancing back at Gemma. "I got detention from that Umbridge woman, just because I told her the truth about You-Know-Who —"

"Well, you can just go straight to her and ask her to let you off on Friday, and I don't care how you do it, tell her You-Know-Who's a figment of your imagination if you like, just make sure you're there!"

She stomped away as Gemma turned around, spying Hermione and Ron watching them carefully.

She just sighed, walking into the Great Hall, too tired to talk.

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