- c h a p t e r - s e v e n t e e n -

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 Gemma walked with Harry and Ron as they followed the professor from the Tower.

Harry shook dreadfully beside her, so she took his hand in hers, letting him use it as an anchor if he needed to.

And he seemed to need it because his grip was iron.

When they got to the gargoyle at the entrance of Dumbledore's office, Professor McGonagall said, "Fizzing Whizbee."

The gargoyle shifted, revealing the continuously moving staircase that spiralled above.

They stepped on and rode to the top, coming to the polished oak door with the brass gryphon door knocker.

Gemma heard voices coming from inside, even though it was far past midnight. She spotted random silver instruments puffing smoke as portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses snoozed on the walls.

But she still wasn't sure who was talking.

"Oh, it's you, Professor McGonagall . . . and . . . ah..."

Gemma stiffly walked closer to where Dumbledore was sitting in his high-back chair at his desk.

If it weren't disrespectful, she would have words with the old wizard for all the problems he had caused her and her dad, but she was going to wait for the perfect moment instead, and then all bloody hell would break loose.

The headmaster's eyes were glued to Professor McGonagall as she stammered, "Professor Dumbledore, Potter has had a . . . well, a nightmare. He says . . ."

"It wasn't a nightmare," Harry said quickly from Gemma's side.

Professor McGonagall turned, frowning slightly before nodding and saying, "Very well, then, Potter, you tell the headmaster about it."

"I . . . well, I was asleep. . . ." Harry started, but Gemma could feel him getting increasingly frustrated, but she just wasn't sure why. "But it wasn't an ordinary dream . . . it was real. . . . I saw it happen. . . ." He sucked in a deep breath, "Ron's dad — Mr. Weasley — has been attacked by a giant snake."

Without warning, while Harry's words echoed around the room, Ron grabbed Gemma's free hand, his face ghostly white with shock.

Professor Dumbledore was staring at the ceiling as he asked quietly, "How did you see this?"

"Well . . . I don't know," Harry snipped, his brows furrowing. "Inside my head, I suppose —"

"You misunderstand me, I mean . . . can you remember — er — where you were positioned as you watched this attack happen? Were you perhaps standing beside the victim or else looking down on the scene from above?"

Harry was quiet for a moment before saying, "I was the snake. I saw it all from the snake's point of view. . ."

At this, Dumbledore looked at Ron, his eyes sharp as he said in a cold tone, "Is Arthur seriously injured?"

"Yes," Harry choked out.

Dumbledore stood quickly, making the teens jump as he moved to a portrait on the wall, "Everard? And you too, Dilys!"

A wizard with horrid short black bangs and a witch with silver ringless appeared, both abruptly awake.

"You were listening?" Dumbledore asked.

"Naturally," The witch replied as the wizard nodded.

"The man has red hair and glasses. Everard, you will need to raise the alarm, make sure he is found by the right people —"

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