- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-f i v e -

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She stirred from her sleep and realised she had fallen asleep in the common room.

Sitting up groggily, looking at the windows wildly, Gemma stammered, "W-What time is it?"

Fred laughed softly, moving to her and taking her hands in his, "Too early for you to be awake."

She stared at him, "Then why are you awake?"

"I had to talk to you. I almost levitated myself to your dorm room, but I guess I'm one lucky guy because you fell asleep down here."

She cleared her throat, "W-Why? Why did you need to talk to me?"

"Because I need you to know that I don't care."

She really woke up after that, and she furrowed her brows, "Excuse me?"

Fred face-palmed himself, "Okay, this went way better in my head..." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Hold on...Alright, starting over, okay..."

Gemma snorted over his flusteredness, but she was having a hard time not thinking it was adorable at the same time.

"Okay," Fred said, dropping his hand. "What I meant to say was that I don't care if you have a werewolf gene or whatever the bloody hell the Ministry is accusing you of." He stared at her with imploring eyes, "You are perfect no matter what. With your impeccable smile, your love for people who are hurting...your wicked lying skills to get us out of any situation...none of that will change if you have a little bit of a furry problem–because it doesn't change you. Which is why I love you."

The air had already been lifting as he spoke, but when he said the words, Which is why I love you..., Gemma's heart stopped in her chest.

And his eyes widened to the size of full moons.

"You..." Gemma whispered. "You love me?"

His face was red as he stammered, "I-I've loved you f-for a long time. I'm just a git and didn't want to admit it."

"Because you're scared of me?"

That broke his weirdness as he laughed gently, "Just a little."

"Little me? I'm so small, though," Gemma continued to tease, a smirk tickling her lips.

"It's the little ones who hold the most rage," Fred made a fake scared face. "Which is why I hate being on your bad side. Because it's damn scary."

The Lupin girl slid from her spot on her armchair, putting Scotch on the cushion as he slept before sitting in front of Fred and said, "You should be scared."

He rolled his eyes, "Didn't I just say I was scared?"

She laughed, "Yeah, I just wanted to hear you admit that you're scared of me again because it's funny."

"You are evil."

"Nahhhh, just a bit wicked."

They laughed as they sat on the floor, their hands intertwined before Fred took his hand and placed it on his cheek, "But I mean it, Gem...I don't care about the gene...I love you for you."

Gemma sucked in a breath and whispered, "I love you too, Fred."

His eyes twinkled at her, "Really?"

"Do you want me to take it back?"

Instead of answering, he leaned forward, capturing her lips with his in a sweet kiss before pulling back and placing his forehead against hers, "Absolutely not."

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