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AU: 200 Years prior to Steve Legends

Characters: Genesis, Dream, Judge, First Blessing, Origin Steve

Story Status: Completed


   The chromatic steves weren't the only ones who celebrated Christmas.

   Much younger versions of the creators known as Genesis and Dream hovered above the ground, hanging up Christmas lights around the home they shared with the rest of their family. They were two of a kind, as many would say, and were hardly ever apart.

   "Judge, come help us!" Genesis called to his youngest brother, who stood watching the pair try and fail at their task. "We need your help up here!"

   Judge only smirked. "No, thanks. You two seem like you have this under control."

   Dream raised an eyebrow. "But we don't...?"

   A strand of lights fell from his hand as he spoke. Genesis made an attempt to grab it, but it was too late. The strand they had tried so hard to keep up had fallen to the ground, again. Both creators groaned.

Judge only smiled and walked back inside.

   In the living room was Judge's father and the youngest of the four siblings, Origin and The First Blessing. The youngest's magenta eyes gleamed as he helped his father bring presents to tuck under the tree.

   Origin looked up as his (mostly) human son entered the room. "How are Dream and Genesis doing with the lights?"

   Judge kept up his smile. "They're doing good so far."

   An exasperated shout from outside said otherwise.

Origin sighed. "Go help your brothers, Judge."

Said being groaned. "But father-"

"No buts, Judge."

Judge groaned again, but knew better than to disobey Origin's word. He trudged back outside without another peep.

Blessing glanced between the front door and his father. "Why does Judge not like hanging up Christmas lights? They're so pretty!"

"It's because Judge finds joy in Genesis and Dream's struggles." Origin answered, leaving the room to retrieve more presents.

Blessing glanced back at the door before frowning and returning to helping his father.

Outside, Judge went back to watching his brothers' new plan to hang the lights. And, of course, it failed.

"Are you ever gonna help us, Judge?" Genesis looked down at his brother. "We could really use your help up here."

Judge smirked. "I am helping; I'm supervising."

   "For someone who's basically Sabre's reincarnate, you sure don't act like him." Dream commented, flying around to the front of the house.

   "I'm not Sabre," Judge's smugness was replaced by a flare of anger, "and I don't have to act like him just because I look like him."

   "Says the one that's gonna keep this world's balance." Genesis flew down to land in front of his younger brother.

   Dream only sighed as he watched them break out in argument. The young creator wasn't the only one to notice, though.

Blessing peeked out a window as he heard shouting outside. The presents he was previously carrying had been set down on a nearby table. Just as he had expected, two of his brothers were arguing. The fact that it was Genesis and Judge hardly surprised him. They never quite seemed to get along, no matter what he, Dream or their father tried.

   Origin appeared next to his youngest creation. He, too, looked out the window, a tight-lipped frown on his face.

   "They aren't getting alone again." Blessing murmured to his father. Magenta eyes met sky blue. "Should I try using my powers to stop them?"

   Origin shook his head. "That will only delay another disagreement between them. Let me handle this."

   The creator disappeared outside without another word. Blessing, curious about how his father would handle the situation, scrambled out the door to watch. He took to standing just in front of the door, leaving it barely cracked open. A hand rested firmly on the knob.

"Why are you arguing now?" Judge and Genesis froze at the sound of their father's voice. They hadn't even noticed he had come outside.

Nonetheless, Genesis beat his brother to speaking first. "Judge wasn't helping us with the lights!"

"Supervising is helping!" Judge shot back, his anger returning.

Before the situation could escalate again, Origin turned to the one who had witnessed the entire ordeal. "What happened, Dream?"

   Dream straightened up slightly before responding with, "Judge came back outside to watch us try to hang up lights again. Genesis asked him to help us, and he said he was by supervising. Then they just broke out arguing."

   Origin sighed. That was what he suspected had happened.

   "When I said 'help,' I meant actually help Dream and Genesis, not stand around and watch them." Origin turned back to face Judge. "I expect you to pitch in this time. If you don't, I'll take your hammer away."

   Judge rolled his eyes beneath his blindfold. "Fine."

   The father nodded to Dream and Genesis, then stepped away from the eldest creations, back towards Blessing, who had dared not interfere. The youngest was too shy to meddle in conflicts like that.

   "Come on, Bless.'" Origin murmured. "We still have more to do."

   Blessing let his eyes linger on his siblings as Origin brushed past him and into the house. This time, Judge was holding up a strand of lights for Genesis and Dream to hang up.

   The youngest let a faint smile tug at his lips. Maybe they could get along after all.

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