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"I love you, Lenny!"

Ginny Weasley, an eight year old redhead, laid beside her best friend, Selena Lovegood. Their bare feet tickled by the green grass blowing in the wind, and their ears filled with the sounds of animals in the forest not too far from them.

The blonde girl lived by Ginny, and ever since their parents introduced them to each other, they were basically inseparable. One was never seen without the other.

"I love you too, Gin," Selena exclaimed.

Though neither of the young girls understood the seriousness of the words, they shared them almost everyday. They believed they were as close as sisters.


"Molly," Selena yelled, banging on the door to the Burrow on an early Sunday morning.

The lovely Weasley mother opened the door and kindly smiled at the little girl, who was there so often that she considered her another daughter.

"Hello, Selena! Ginny is upstairs in her room," she said, stepping aside as the girl ran into the house and up the stairs, her long, blonde hair flowing behind her.

She heard the door open to Ginny's room, Selena yelled a thank you, and closed the door behind her.

"You wanna play Quidditch, Lenny? Freddie and Georgie said they would play," Ginny asked, tying her shoes.


The two girls walked back down the stairs talking.

"They're excited because they're going into their second year, which means they'll be able to try out for the Quidditch team," the redhead girl stated.

"What position are you guys gonna play," Selena asked, looking up at the twins that basically towered above her.

"We're trying out for beaters," Fred stated, slightly crouching down so he was level with the young girl.

It had taken Selena quite a bit to learn the difference between the two twins, but she figured it out after a while.

"But," George started, "we're just going to do keeper and chaser today."

"That means I get this little parasite on my team," Fred ruffled Ginny's hair, causing the girl to swat his hands away.

"And you're stuck with me," George joked as she threw his arm over Selena's shoulder.

"But I wanna be on a team with Lenny," Ginny crossed her arms.

"Two 12 year olds against two 9 year olds doesn't seem very fair," Fred stated.

Ginny sighed, "Fine."

The 4 kids rushed outside and got their brooms from the shed outside. Selena kept her broom there as well, seeing as she was almost always over at the burrow.

Everyday was the same, and Selena wouldn't have it any other way.

She would stay up relatively late to paint and color, but woke up at the crack of dawn nonetheless. She would impatiently sit on the couch, dressed and ready for the day, and wait for her parents and sister to wake up. She would rush up the second they were awake, kiss each one on the cheek and then head off to the burrow.

Her sister was nine minutes younger than her, and although the two were close in age, their personalities differed heavily. While Luna was always quiet and calm, Selena was energetic and loud. Even if they didn't spend a whole lot of time with each other, it was clear the twin sisters got along great.

Her parents loved her dearly. Her relationship with both of them had always been great. Her mother created potions, and her father was a writer for a newspaper called The Quibbler.

She was also basically an honorary member of the Weasley clan. The family of redheads had always helped her when she needed it. As lovely as her parents were, they were never the best at comforting, whileMolly, Arthur, and her kids were absolute masters at.

Ginny, the only girl, was undoubtedly her best friend. They ran through flower fields and made crowns made of small daisies in the spring. They huddled up on the couch in front of the Weasleys fireplace, mugs of hot chocolate contrasting with their cold hands.

The Weasley brothers had always been protective of her. Ron would sit down and play chess with her, and Fred and George (who were definitely her favorite of the boys) would teach her how to play pranks and fly a broom. Percy was the one who taught her to read and write. Charlie would tell stories of how he healed and flew dragons, and Bill would sit with her and do her hair as she explained the meaning of her newest piece of artwork.

She loved her family and the Weasley family with her whole heart, and nothing could ever change that.


"Is Lenny not coming over today, mum," Ginny asked, sitting on the couch and looking at the door. Her palm cupped her chin as she stared longingly at the door, knowing that her best friend would normally be bursting through it with a grin on her face.

Molly's face scrunched up and her breath faltered, "She just... had a family emergency come up. She won't be here for a few days, maybe a few weeks even."

"Wha- why!?"

"Just some family issues, dear. Now why don't you go get your brothers."

Ginny looked at the floor as she went through the house, knocking on everyone's door to get them up. Usually, everyone would wake up with Lenny knocking on the door in the morning, she was basically the household's alarm clock.

Ginny sighed, deciding she wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Her friend would be back in a week, lighting the house up with her smile and shiny blue eyes.

But that's not what happened.

Ginny never saw Selena again.

She became a memory to the Weasley's. The family went silent when she was brought up, normally by Ginny or the Twins.

Ginny never knew what happened, until she was stepping onto the platform, her trunk packed for her first year at hogwarts.

Despite her excitement, she looked at her old friend closely and realized it would never be the same as it was.

i'm a little to excited for this fic istg

anyway updates every wednesday, but that may change because i have midterms coming up

as it was 💋 ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now