chapter one

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Selena Lovegood sat in charms, lazily flicking her wand, causing the teacup in front of her to double in size.

She turned to Callum Taylor, who was doing the exact same thing.

She placed her chin in her palm, absent-mindedly twirling a piece of hair around her finger. She sighed of relief when the bell rang, her and Callum both hopping up to leave.

She could feel the eyes on her as they walked the hallways together, hushed whispers filling her ears.

There was no doubt that they were both popular. Everyone knew of the girl who definitely fit into Slytherin, and the boy who had a soul kinder than a Hufflepuff.

The two had always stuck out.

Selena's blonde hair ended just below the beginning of her shoulders, the tips dyed a light blue. A small, gold hoop circled the cartilage of her right ear, while the bottom of both ears were dressed in gold x's.

Her right eyes glimmered a light blue as light from a nearby window shined up on it. Her left eye was as white as a cloud, with a giant scar encircling it. Covering the entirety of the left side of her face, was an odd mix between maroon and muddy brown. The rest of her face was quite pale, contrasting with her pink lips.

Her black, school skirt was rolled up slightly, letting cool air nip away at the skin below it. Her robe had been discarded and thrown into her bag, leaving her in her skirt, half-tucked shirt, and messily done tie.

The boy beside her was different, but not all that different.

His fluffy brown hair brushed against his forehead with each step, and he continually used his hands to push it back, quietly cursing when one of his silver rings got stuck on it. The tips had been dyed light purple, something he, for some reason, let Selena do at 4am a few weeks before. A gold cross earring dangled from his left ear, and a silver stud was placed on the right side of his nose.

He absentmindedly messed with one of the silver chains that hung loosely on his neck. His brown eyes looked at Selena as she talked rapidly about the Gryffindor party that night. Per usual, she asked him to go with her and, of course, he said yes.

Despite her cold demeanor towards the majority of people, she was quite talkative when she got comfortable. Not to mention, when you get used to her constant dark or dirty humor, she was quite funny.

Callum very much had a bubbly personality. Within the first few sentences of a conversation with someone new, you were considered one of his hundreds of friends.

The two had become friends their first year at Hogwarts, after an awkward conversation at the welcoming feast, when Selena snapped at him for staring at her scar. Afterwards, it was rare to see one without the other.

They would sit in the Slytherin common room, the two of them taking up a whole couch. Callum would peacefully read while Selena would prop her legs on his and sleep. She always had trouble sleeping by herself, so most nights would normally end up with them passed out on the couch.

They hung out in the courtyard, Callum sitting on her shoulders while she tried to walk. He had once told her that he would give her a sugar quill for every squat she could do with him on her shoulders. That ended in a pile of 67 sugar quills on her bed and a very poor yet impressed Callum.

There was no question when saying Selena was very strong, especially for her age. The fifteen year old was a beater for the Slytherin, Callum being the other one of course.

There were many rumors that the two were secretly dating, but they both shot them down with looks of disgust.

"Do you think I should wear my black dress or a white crop top with a green skirt," the blonde girl.

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