chapter three

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"I told you not to drink," she shrugged.

"Fuck off," he mumbled, laying his head on her lap.

"And now you're hungover."

"No shit, sherlock," he gibed, sighing in relief when she started playing with his mop of brown hair.

"I won't help you if you keep being mean," she said, massaging the top of his head gently, having been in this situation too many times.

He was quick to shush her," You're being too loud."

She quietly laughed, and continued to talk quietly with him and play with his hair, slightly tugging it when he said something rude.


Her hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him into the great hall for lunch. He squinted and groaned at the bright light.

Selena chuckled, rolled her eyes, reached into her pocket and handed him a pair of muggle sunglasses she had gotten from a random ravenclaw boy.

"Thank Merlin," he sighed as he slipped them on his face. The two sat down at the Slytherin table per usual.

They were mainly quiet while eating, Selena deep in thought and Callum was shoveling food in his mouth.

"Hey, Selena," a tentative voice sounded behind her.

She straightened up and turned her head behind her, a confused expression filling her face at the redhead standing there.

"Um-" Ginny smiled, "Could I sit?"

"Oh- uh yeah sure," Selena scooted over, ignoring the complexed looks a very delirious Callum was sending her.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come practice Quidditch with me this afternoon? Fred and George will be there, I think Ron and Harry too."

"Oh- I," she bit her lip hesitantly, "Um- yeah, sure. I'd love to."

"Awesome! Thank you! Callum can come too, of course."

Callum nodded his head, digging into Selena's shoulder and groaning, "Save me."

Ginny laughed, "Is he okay?"

"No, I'm not," he mumbled.

"He's hungover. It happens pretty easy," the blonde girl shrugged.

"If you move your damn shoulder one more time, I'm gonna hit you," he threatened.

"Are you, though?"

"No, but I'll be really fucking mad at you."

"Ouch Callum, I don't think I could handle that."

Ginny laughed at their bickering, "I need to head back to the Gryfinndor table, I'll see you later, yeah?"

Selena pursed her lips and nodded, "Yeah."


"Can I be the keeper this time?"

"Lenny, our mum will have our head if you get hurt," Fred and George looked at each other.

Selena shrugged, "I never get hurt."

"Mhm, why's there a bruise on your elbow then," George raised his eyebrow.

Selena gasped, "That wasn't even my fault. My dad told Luna about this type of bug or whatever and she was so scared and she thought she saw one and pushed me."

Fred covered up his laugh with a cough as George elbowed him.

"It doesn't even matter if I get hurt," The blonde groaned.

as it was 💋 ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now