chapter four

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Not many people got to see Selena Lovegood actually smile. If she smiled at you, she was probably planning to kick your ass.

Ginny Weasley had seen her smile as a little kid. A real, genuine smile. WIth teeth that hadn't grown in all the way and chubby, red cheeks that hadn't matured.

Now Selena's face, although still quite red, didn't have those childlike features. Didn't have that joyous expression that she used to wear all the time. Her face always sat in a deadpan expression, her eyes always tired looking.

After meeting the new Selena though, Ginny had made it her goal to bring out the brightening grin she used to love so much.

She had failed horribly so far, but she wouldn't give up.

Selena caught on to the terrible efforts to make her happy. Stupid jokes and pranks, silly games that she apparently loved when she was eight.

When she was eight.

Selena wasn't sure who Ginny thought she was kidding, or if the redhead really didn't understand what she told her on the astronomy tower a week before.

She didn't remember when she was eight.

None of the childlike humor. None of the hobbies. None of the memories.

Trying to make Selena happy via things from her youth was not working whatsoever. If anything, it was making it worse.

The credulous jokes were like taunting whispers of everything she had lost. Everything she couldn't remember.

Safe to say Selena didn't smile at Ginny's efforts, and Ginny couldn't figure out why.


A tired and angry Selena walked into her charms class late. Her blonde hair was tied up messily, the blue tips frizzy. Her eyes were deadpanned and her lips were pursed together in a frustrated yet smirk-like expression.

Even in her short sleeve school shirt and her short, rolled up skirt, she was still sweating, her cheekbones highlighted with perspiration and her face slightly red. Her hands were bandaged once again, this time with crimson blood soaking through.

She took a seat next to Callum, wiping a small stream of blood that was coming from her nose, making her bandages even more red.

"Bloody hell, Selena," Callum exclaimed in a whisper.

"I'll say," she said, gesturing to her bloody knuckles that were now seeping through her bandages. She lazily flicked her wand, not even looking at her hands, causing the bandages to magically change and the blood cleaned up.

"McLaggen again?"

"That motherfucker doesn't know how to keep my little sister's name out of his mouth," she stated boredly.

"Damn- wish I got to see."

"That bitch really thought fighting back was a good idea," she rolled her eyes. "He's in the hospital wing now."

"Figured," Callum responded, leaning his chin on his palm in a bored manner.

"Did you do the homework last night," Selena whispered.

Callum snorted, "I didn't even know we had homework."

Selena groaned, leaning back in her chair. She zoned out as the professor droned on until something hit the back of her head. She spun around, ready to get into her second fight of the day, only to be met with the blue eyes of a certain redheaded girl. Ginny nodded to the balled up piece of paper that she had thrown at the blonde girl.

Selena picked it up and uncrumpled up, sighing in relief when she saw the answers to the charms homework. She turned back to Ginny and subtly mouthed a 'thank you" and turned back around. Placing the paper in between her and Callum and they both hurriedly copied down the answers.

Selena scribbled something on the back of the answer sheet, crumpled it up, and threw it back at Ginny, who effortlessly caught it. She unrolled it and smiled at the messy handwriting.

literal lifesaver i swear thank you

- selena

She looked towards the blonde girl and smiled, jokingly winking, causing Selena to purse her lips and turn back around.

And yet Ginny was still determined to make her smile.


Selena sat in the astronomy tower, taking a deep breath of the night air.

The night sky was aglow with the blanket of stars that stretched across it, the moon shining its silvery light that bounced off of the astronomy tower's railing. Rain and the rustling of trees in the night time wind broke the silence of the castle, the vast majority of the Hogwarts population tucked into bed, dreaming of anything their head and heart desires.

Not Selena though.

Maybe it was because she didn't know what her head or heart desired. Maybe the desired different things.

Her head was screaming at her to stay away. Don't get close, it won't end well. That inconsolable longing will come back when she leaves again.

And of course Ginny didn't leave. Selena knew it was all her fault that the two grew distant. But even though it was because of her, she didn't want to risk it happening again.

Which was silly, what were the odds she lost her memory again. But there was still that nagging of what if? What if she lost everything again and the only interactions she would have with her old best friend was languishing stares across a classroom.

Her heart on the other hand? It wanted her to connect. It wanted her to go back to the hand-holding best friends they use to be.

Her heart pounded in her chest the second her eyes met hers, yearning to be close to the girl. Wanting to spend every minute of every day with her. Play quidditch, run in flower fields, making friendship bracelets and cookies late at night.

Just like they used to do.

Her heart wanted to be best friends again.

And her head knew that could never happen.


kinda short but it's ok lmfao

i'm glad y'all like this fic bc i'm having so much fun writing it

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