chapter six

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It had been two weeks since Ginny and Selena’s emotional encounter at the astronomy tower.

Within those two weeks, the girls hadn't said a single word to each other.

Granted, it was more of Selena walking away whenever Ginny went up to her, but nonetheless, it was extremely quiet for both of them.

In a desperate manner, Ginny ran up to Callum in the hallway and grabbed his wrist. He quickly snatched it away and turned away, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the redhead in front of him.

“Sorry,” she muttered, putting her hands behind her back while catching her breath from running.

“You ok, Weasley?”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just- I just needed to ask you a question.”

“Oh,” Callum drew out, his usual smile resting on his face. “Ask away.”

“Is- is Selena ok?”

“Define ‘ok’,” he said.

“I mean- she won’t talk to me, and I just wanted to make sure she was… ok.”

Callum sighed, rubbing his eyes and shrugging. “She’s been weird. I mean, she’s normally pretty weird, but she’s been… different? She’s barely said anything to me either.”

“I didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable or anything, I swear. I was just worried and-”.

“It’s fine,” Callum reassured. “She’ll be fine. Eventually. She just needs some time. She’s done nothing but cry and sleep for the past 2 weeks.”

“Ok,” Ginny sighed. “Do you think I could talk to her?”

“I would say yes, but I have no idea where she is. I think it’s a good idea for you both to talk though, I saw how happy she was when playing Quidditch with you and the twins- shit! The twins,” he exclaimed, grabbing her wrist and running towards the Gryffindor dormitory.


“How the hell did I not know about this but Callum did?”

Ginny stared at an intricate map of all of Hogwarts with small moving dots, resembling everybody in the castle. She was baffled at its complexity and wondered where the twins had gotten it from, knowing that they couldn’t have made it themselves. Maybe Callum or Selena did, but it still seemed too difficult.

“Don’t ask questions, little sis,” George stated.

“Now,” Fred clapped his hands, leaning over Callum’s shoulder to see the map. “It seems like little Lenny is in the Room of Requirements.”

“The room of what?”

“The requirements! I’ll explain it on the way, let’s go.”


Ginny rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet as she stood in a corridor and stared at a wall with Callum.

“Um… I’m not seeing this Room of Requirement thing.”

“Hang on,” Callum said, closing his eyes. Suddenly a door formed where the empty wall once was.

“Wicked,” Ginny muttered, staring at the door in aw.

“Do you wanna go in alone or would you like me to come with you,” Callum asked.

“I got it. Thank you for helping me,” She said, walking towards the door.

“Yeah, of course! Let me know if you need help with anything,” He smiled and walked off.

Ginny took a deep breath, turned the handle and walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

Selena sat on the floor, her back turned to the door. Her head was tilted up as she stared at dozens, maybe hundreds, of small pictures hung on the wall. Ginny slowly walked up and sat next to her, but the blonde gave no reaction to her presence. Ginny looked up at the pictures and frowned when it was all pictures of her and Selena as kids.

One showed Ginny on Selena’s back, legs wrapped around her stomach and arms wrapped around her neck. Both of the girls wore beautiful, youthful smiles on their faces with gleaming eyes to match.

One showed the two girls sitting in a field of grass. Selena’s tongue stuck out as she meticulously placed a yellow and pink flower crown on Ginny’s head, making sure her hair didn’t stick out of it.

One picture was of Ginny sitting on the kitchen counter of the burrow, a finger of cookie dough from a bowl nearby close in her mouth. A frowning Selena stood next to the bowl, her eyes narrowed playfully with her arms crossed, a stance she learned from Molly Weasley.

The list went on, from watching the stars at night to playing quidditch during the day. From painting, reading, talking, to singing and dancing and playing games like checkers and exploding snap.

Each and every picture moved too. Not much, just the same scene repeating over and over, each time only a second long. But it made them more alive, the small movements of laughter or running wild.

Everything they did as a child was captured in a small picture with a white border around it.

“What is all of this, Selena?”

The blonde shrugged, “The room is supposed to give you what you need. What you want. What you absolutely wished for.”

“And this is what you wished for.”

“Kind of,” Selena nodded. “I’ve wished to remember everything ever since the incident. Every birthday candle wish, every shooting star. I just want to remember.”

“I know,” Ginny sighed. “I wished you did too.”

“You don’t know. You’ll never know how it feels to lose your best friend for years. I lost you, but you’re right there.”

She was being honest. Opening up.

She felt Ginny was lost. Like she didn’t exist anymore, even though she could turn her head and look into the bright blue eyes that shined just like the pictures in front of her.

“You’re right. I don’t know and no matter how much you tell me, I will probably never understand what you’ve been through,” Ginny said before taking what seemed to be her thousandth deep breath of the day. “But I’ll do anything it takes to help you. If you wanna be friends again, I will spend hours recreating every single one of these pictures with you. Every memory.”



Selena sighed and wrapped her arms around Ginny, holding her tight.

The girls sat in silence for a while, Selena holding onto Ginny as her life depended on it.

“It’s too quiet in here,” Ginny mumbled.

Selena chuckled, “I’m just trying not to cry again.”

GInny took hold of Selena’s hand and pulled her up, making her way to the door.

“Where are we going,” the blonde asked.

“Well, I promised to remake memories with you and cookies sound perfect right now, don’t you think?”


we're gonna have a fluffy next chapter bc i need some in my life rn

as it was 💋 ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now