chapter nine

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October flew by and Selena’s favorite holiday rushed towards them.

Theodore, Callum, and Selena, sat on the floor of the boys’ dormitory, dressed in their costumes. Sitting as still as possible, Theo closed his eyes as Selena pressed her wand to his nose and charmed it to be longer for a few hours. She then casted a spell on Callum to give him a beard, and then on her and Callum to turn their hair gray.

Although trick-or-treating didn’t really exist in Hogwarts, a huge party in the courtyard was being thrown, each house getting together and contributing.

Once the three were done dressing up and getting ready, they walked down to the courtyard, each with a huge bucket of candy in their arms. Once they got there, they plopped the buckets on a table and scanned the crowd of people for anybody they knew.

Once Selena caught glimpses of the bright, red hair she seemed to be seeing alot of lately, she grabbed Theo and Callum’s and hastily walked towards them.

“Holy shit,” Fred gaped, staring at the three.

“What,” George asked, turning away from his conversation with Ginny and Ron. All of them stared at the dressed up group in awe.

“Bloody hell.”

“Those are the best costumes I’ve ever seen.”

Selena nudged thin, wired glassed back up her nose. Her, currently gray, hair sat in a tight bun on the top of her head, with a witch hat sitting on top, covering it all together. Satin, emerald colored robes flowed down her body. Her face was charmed to look much older.

Callum, who had also obviously been heavily charmed, had gray hair down past his shoulders, a beard going past it. His face was wrinkly and gray, flowy robes swished around as he gave a spin for the gaping, redheads.

Theo’s already black hair now almost reached his shoulder and his face was charmed to be skinnier. His nose was longer and he was dressed in all black robes.

Minerva Mcgonagall, Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape.

Their best costumes yet.

“Thank you, thank you,” they said, bowing and curtseying.

“How the fuch-” George muttered, walking in a circle around them, examining them.

“We’re secretly really smart,” Theo stated, shrugging.

“Literal geniuses.”

“I desperately need to get away from you three,” Fred muttered. “It's tripping me out. Drinks?”

They all hastily nodded as Fred backed away, George following him to help him carry them.

“That really is freaky,” Ron said, gaping at them still.

“Way better than last year when we went as those witches from the Hocus Pocus movie,” Callum laughed.

“I don’t know. Seeing you guys in dresses almost beats this,” Selena smirked.

“Never again,” Theo shook his head. “My dress didn’t even fit.”

“Why didn’t you just charm it bigger,” Ginny asked, smiling slightly.

“Selena tried and she couldn’t do it or something,” Theo rolled his eyes.

Selena lifted her eyebrows at Ginny, giving her a knowing look. Ginny, realizing that Selena didn't even try to charm it, laughed loudly, causing the boys to give her odd looks. Selena pursed her lips to stop herself from laughing.

“What,” Theo asked worriedly.

“Nothing,” Ginny laughed, grabbing on to Selena’s shoulder. The blonde grimaced and took a step to the side, causing Ginny’s hand to slip. Ginny quickly stopped laughing and looked at Selena concerned, “You okay?”

“What? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” She said shaking her head. “Look, drinks!”

She strolled up to Fred, who handed her a drink. She leaned her head back and drank it in a few seconds, looked at it, shrugged her shoulders, and started to walk away. “Gonna get another one,” She stated, gesturing to the, now empty, cup.

The rest of the group looked at each other.

“Is she okay?”

Ginny shrugged.


Selena, Callum, and Theo, now very drunk, stood on top of a table.

“You got mud on your face!’

“You big disgrace!”

They continued to serenade the party with whatever songs they could think of, clapping and stomping to the beat. People cheered and laughed, some joining in on their favorite songs.

“Ms. Lovegood! Mr. Nott! Mr. Taylor.”

Selena gasped, jumping off the table and walking towards the professor, “Hi, Minnie! How are you on this lovely night

“Mr. Lovegood-,” She paused, fully taking in the blonde’s costume and gaping. She sighed, closed her eyes and leaned her back, muttering something along the lines of “Merlin, help me.”

“Come with me. All three of you.”

“Damn, Minnie, you’re not even buying me a drink first,” She said, walking nonetheless and gesturing for Callum and Theo to follow.

“I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight, Ms. Lovegood”

She opened her mouth to retaliate, before thinking for a second, and then nodding in agreement.

Only a few moments went by though before she said something else, “You know, Minnie. You're inviting me up to wherever we’re going, but you won’t even call me Selena.”

“That is so true,” Callum agreed, grabbing Theo’s shoulder after almost tripping over nothing.

“I mean, if that’s what you’re into I won’t judge, but personally, a teacher and student thing isn’t really my thing.”

“Ms. Lovegood-”

“It’s totally my thing,” Theo laughed.

“Ew,” Callum exclaimed, taking the hand that was on Theo’s shoulder and using it to push him.

“I was totally kidding dude.”

“I don’t believe you,” Selena rolled her eyes.

“You know who I would totally get with though,” Theo questioned.

“Mrs. Norris,” Callum snorted.

“I was gonna say buckbeak from 2nd year but I mean Mrs. Norris's ass has looked mighty fine late-”

“Oh look, we’re here,” McGonagall stated, knocking on the headmaster’s door.

The four walked into the office, where Dumbledore and Snape sat.

Theo immediately started laughing, bending over and slapping his leg. Callum looked at Dumbledore and laughed with him.

Dumbeldore and Snape gaped at the three students.

“Oh my merlin,” Selena gasped. “Is it our costumes? Is that why you fell for us so quickly?”


another chapter with barely any angst??? wtf

actually had so much fun writing this chapter tho so it ok

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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