What lies behind my mirror?

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It was Friday when i woke up on the sounds of humming birds and the smell of flowers.

I brushed my teeth,combed my hair and I was ready to start my day. Oh! I almost forgot it was my Best friend's birthday today.

I had to rush to my closet and pick out my outfit and straighten my hair.

A few minutes later , I felt something weird. i was dizzy and i had a light headache so I thought of taking some headache pills so I wont miss the party.

I rushed to the bathroom to take the pills ,and i swallowed two pills .

"OUCH!!" , I screamed for help as the two pills got stuck in my throat.

I was coughing and coughing until they got out.

What a start of a day!

I tried to forget about that and think more about the party so i got my hair straightner out and as soon as I plugged it in all I could remember was a dark room and a strong electric shot.

I knew something weird was happining today but what happened to me was nothing compared to what happened later .

To be honest , I was terrified so I carefully turned on the lights with my shaky arms and I looked at the mirror.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed until my voice ran out.

What I saw in my reflection was something out of this world.and thats where everything began and when my life turned into living Hell...

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